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Music library
The Music Library menu item lists all found UPnP servers and USB media
There are many suitable UPnP server software packages available for PC
and Mac. Stand-alone servers and Network Attached Storage (NAS) devices
with built in UPnP server capabilities are also available. Please see the set-up
guides on our website at: www.cambridgeaudio.com/networksetup
Note: When using a UPnP server to share your media, the menu structure,
search and selection criteria are determined by that server, not the CXN.
The CXN does not scan entire USB storage devices to build an artist/
track database. It is therefore recommended that audio les are stored in a
structured way by artist and album to facilitate locating tracks.
Playing tracks and adding to the queue
Add individual tracks
Selecting an individual track will show the following menu:
• ADD TO QUEUE – Add the track to the end of the queue.
• REPLACE QUEUE – Remove all queue items and replace with the new track.
Viewing the queue
To view the queue at any time press the '•••' (more) button.
You can jump playback to any point in the queue by navigating up/down the
list and pressing Enter.
Editing the queue
Tracks can be removed from the queue by highlighting them with the navigator
and pressing the Stop button.
To clear an entire queue, navigate to the bottom of the queue to highlight
[Clear Queue] and press Enter.
Note: Switching the CXN into standby will delete the queue, unless Standby
Mode is set to 'Network Standby'.
The 'Now Playing' screen
Pressing the 'i' button will cycle through:
• Combination of track/stream info plus album/station art.
• Just album/station art.
• Just track/stream info.
Album art and radio station logos may also be displayed if available. For USB
Media the Album art needs to be in the same folder as the track.
Album art le format
Album art images are supported in .png and .jpg le formats only.
Images can have any name, but images named Folder.png or Folder.jpg take
Images embedded into tracks are not supported.
The CXN supports various playlist formats:
• ASX (Microsoft
playlist format)
• M3U
For permanent storage of favourite media selections it is recommended to
use suitable software to create playlists. These can then be accessed by the
CXN from USB storage devices or UPnP servers that support playlist serving.
It is not currently possible to save playlists created on the CXN.
Operating instructions
USB audio
The CXN USB Audio input is intended to connect directly to a PC or Mac
The default CXN conguration is USB Audio prole 1.0 which works with
nearly all common operating systems and computer types without needing
additional drivers. In this conguration sample rates from 16-bit/44.1kHz to
24-bit/96kHz are supported.
For more details on USB Audio, see our online guides at:
The two digital inputs are capable of receiving stereo PCM audio with sample
rates up to 24-bit/192kHz.
The optional Cambridge Audio BT100 Bluetooth dongle can be connected
into any available USB socket.
Spotify connect
Spotify lets you listen to millions of songs – the artists you love, the latest hits
and discoveries just for you. If you are a Spotify Premium user, you can control
your CXN using the Spotify app.
1. Connect your CXN to the same Wi-Fi network as your phone or tablet
running the Spotify app.
2. Open the Spotify app, and play any song.
3. Tap the song image in the bottom left of the screen.
4. Tap the Connect icon
5. Pick your CXN from the list.
For information on how to set up and use Spotify Connect please visit
The Spotify Software is subject to third party licenses found here:
Set-up Wi-Fi: Initiates Wi-Fi setup.
Enter network name: For manual entry of the network name.
Current cong: Displays current network settings.
Edit cong:
• Auto (DHCP).
YES (recommended).
NO – settings are manually entered.
If 'NO' is selected, you will need to enter (using the navigator and select
buttons) the CXN's IP address, Network mask, Gateway address and DNS
Wi-Fi strength
Signal warning: On-screen warning of low Wi-Fi signal strength.
Wi-Fi region: Select the region that closest matches your location.
• Auto (default).
• Wired only.
• Wi-Fi only.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio CXN

Cambridge Audio CXN Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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