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Front panel controls
1. Standby/On
2. USB
For use with USB audio storage. 1A maximum current consumption.
Note: This USB port is not intended for connection to Apple mobile devices.
3. Play/Pause
4. Skip
5. Stop/Delete
Press during playback to stop or delete items in various menus.
6. Display
Displays the status of the unit.
7. (i) Info
Displays 'Now Playing' screen. Press to toggle through various screen layouts.
8. Home
9. Infrared sensor
10. Return
Press to return to the previous menu.
11. (More)
When playing Internet Radio, the More button displays related options to the
currently selected station such as alternative stream types, content types
or similar stations. When playing from UPnP sources, this button displays
queued tracks and options.
12. Navigation/Select (rotary dial)
Rotate to scroll and navigate around the menus. Press to accept the item/
function shown on the display.
1 2
3 7
Rear panel connections
1. AC power socket
2. USB sockets
For connection to the supplied Wi-Fi antenna, USB HD/ashdisk or optional
BT100 Bluetooth audio receiver.
Note: For Wi-Fi antenna, this must be plugged into the USB Wi-Fi antenna
port. The USB ports are not intended for connection to Apple mobile devices,
no functionality, charging or otherwise is supported.
3. Ethernet
4. Digital inputs
5. Digital outputs
6. USB audio in
For connecting to PC/MAC computers.
Ground lift switch
Enable 'Lift' to eradicate hum noise through the speakers.
7. IR (Infra Red) emitter in
8. Control bus
For connection to other CX series products. Features vary according to other
product functionality.
9. Balanced audio output
For use with XLR connections.
Note: XLR connectors should be wired as follows: Pin 1: Ground, Pin 2: Hot
(in-phase) and Pin 3: Cold (phase-inverted).
10. Line output
2 3 4 5 6 9 10
7 8

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio CXN

Cambridge Audio CXN Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

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