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The 651R/751R supports several music and home-cinema listening modes.
The output the 651R/751R can provide, depends both on the source signal
present, the speaker setup selected and the decode mode selected. Before we
describe how to operate the 651R/751R, below is a brief guide to the
Surround Sound formats that the 651R/751R is compatible with for reference:
Dolby’s lossless audio technology developed primarily for high capacity Blu-ray
discs/players. Dolby True HD delivers theoretically bit-for-bit sound identical to
the studio master by the use of 100% lossless encoding. Previous formats such
as Dolby Digital 5.1 or EX have used lossy encoding where some data (that is
theoretically less audible) is always lost in the encoding process to reduce the
storage capacity needed on the disc. This is a new format that supports up to
eight (usually used as 7.1) full-range channels of 24-bit/96 kHz audio or two
channels of 24/192 kHz via Blu-ray discs and is not backwards compatible
with earlier schemes. The format can either be transmitted as a ‘bitstream’ to
the 651R/751R for internal decoding (recommended) or can be decoded by
some Blu-ray players internally and sent to the 651R/751R as multi-channel
PCM. In both cases an HDMI connection is required to the 651R/751R and a
suitable Blu-ray player as Dolby True HD is only ever transmitted over HDMI.
An encoding scheme based on the original Dolby Digital CODEC, but with
enhancements to improve coding efficiency and improved audio quality. Dolby
Digital Plus supports 7.1 fully discrete channels compared to Dolby Digitals 5.1
(or 6.1 in its EX variant where the 6th channel is matrix encoded). These Dolby
Digital Plus bitstreams are not backward compatible with legacy Dolby Digital
decoders but require an AV Receiver developed to decode them (such as the
651R/751R) and an HDMI connection as Dolby Digital Plus is currently only
transmitted over HDMI. It is however a requirement that any Dolby Digital Plus
enabled Blu-ray player must also be able transform the Dolby Digital Plus into
a backwards compatible Dolby Digital 5.1 output for playback on legacy Dolby
Digital systems. The 651R/751R is however fully compatible with Dolby Digital
A new lossless audio CODEC from DTS, rather than being incompatible with
earlier versions, DTS-HD Master Audio is transmitted as an extension to a
normal DTS bitstream. A second embedded stream is sent which contains the
"difference" between the original studio master and the lossy compressed DTS,
plus the two extra channels. DTS-HD Master Audio enabled devices (such as
the 651R/751R) are able to use this difference information to recreate a bit
for bit lossless version of the original 7.1 data. Devices which do not support
the Master Audio extension simply decode the original 5.1 DTS stream and
ignore the Master Audio extension providing backwards compatibility.
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio
Known also as DTS-HR an extension to the original DTS audio format. DTS-HD
High Resolution Audio supports 7.1 fully discrete channels compared to DTS’s
5.1 (or 6.1 in its DTS ES Matrix or DTS ES Discrete variants). As with DTS-HD
Master Audio a second embedded stream is sent which contains the
"difference" between the original studio master and the lossy compressed DTS,
plus the two extra channels, however in this case the extra stream is also
formed by lossy compression. Effectively this is a 7.1 version of DTS which can
be decoded by devices (such as the 651R/751R) which are able to decode
DTS-HD High Resolution Audio. Devices which do not support the High
Resolution extension simply decode the original 5.1 DTS stream and ignore the
High Resolution extension providing backwards compatibility.
Known also as DD (3/2) or DD 5.1, provides (up to) 5.1 output from suitable
encoded Dolby Digital material, with 5 main channels (Front Left, Front Right,
Centre, Surround Left, Surround Right) and a Low Frequency Effects Channel
for the subwoofer, all discretely encoded. Decoding Dolby Digital requires a
Dolby Digital encoded DVD disc and a digital connection from the source
equipment (Such as a DVD player) to the 651R/751R.
Note: Dolby Digital and DTS formats can sometimes carry less channels than
their maximum such as Dolby Digital (2/0) which means a Dolby Digital
encoded signal which is actually only carrying a two channel stereo signal
(other channels inactive).
Known also as DTS (3/2) or DTS 5.1, DTS provides (up to) 5.1 output from
suitable encoded DTS material, with 5 main channels (Front Left, Front Right,
Centre, Surround Left, Surround Right) and a Low Frequency Effects Channel
for the subwoofer, all discretely encoded. Decoding DTS requires a suitably
encoded DTS disc and a digital connection from the source equipment to the
Surround sound modes
For analogue video sources it is almost always desirable to process these for
best picture quality before passing them to the TV.
To change the Process/Bypass status of any source (including HDMI) simple
select it in the menu and use the left and right buttons on the remote.
You can also set the desired output resolution for any Processed video
(Bypassed video is unaffected).
The options are 480p 60Hz, 576p 50Hz, 720p 50Hz, 720p 60Hz, 1080i
50Hz, 1080i 60Hz, 1080p 50Hz and 1080p 60Hz.
Note: 3D TV content, 24fps content or other video standards that the
651R/751R cannot process or recognise are always Bypassed to the output
whatever the setting in this OSD.
Video processing settings
This menu selects the settings that will be applied to any sources that have
had the Scaler set to Process in the Scaler Assign Menu, any sources set to
Bypass as unaffected.
The options are:
Sets the output resolution, the options are 480P, 576P, 720P,
1080I and 1080P. I means interlaced and P means progressive scan.
Note: For 480P and 576P the 651R/751R automatically sets the Frame rate
as 480P video formats are always 60Hz (NTSC format) and 576P video
formats are always 50Hz (PAL/SECAM formats).
For the other resolutions the next menu item allows choice of frame rate. It
usually best to set the output to the maximum resolution your TV supports.
Frame Rate:
Sets the output to be fixed at 60Hz (NTSC format) or 50Hz
(PAL) or AUTO which means the 651R/651R automatically dynamically
matches the output frame rate to the incoming frame rate. If your TV can
handle both PAL and NTSC signals the best option is AUTO (as this requires
the least scaler processing). If your TV only supports one or other format fix
the output to that it supports.
Note: The incoming video of 24fps is always automatically bypassed by the
scaler and output in its native format (no change to resolution, frame rate or
any other settings).
Colour Space:
Sets the output colour space format, this is the format used
to describe the colour of each pixel in an image, the options are RGB,
YCbCr4:2:2, YCbCr4:4:4 and Auto.
RGB means the colour is described using the primary RGB values, this often
works best with monitors that are primarily based on computer monitor
YCbCr4:2:2 and YCbCr4:4:4 are alternative sub-sampling schemes for digital
component video, Blu-ray and DVD discs are recorded using YCbCr 4:2:0
which is then chroma upsampled by the player and output as YCbCr4:2:2.
The TV will then normally up-sample internally to YCbCr 4:4:4 and convert to
RGB for the panel. Setting the output as YCbCr4:2:2 means that all video will
be output in the same format as a BD/DVD would be, setting the output at
YCbCr4:4:4 may reduce the number of conversions in your TV. Experiment to
find the best looking option for your TV.
In Auto mode the output will be of the same format as the input.
Aspect Ratio:
Sets the format of the output video (the ratio of width to
height) to one of two standardised types. If you have a wide TV set this to
16:9, if you have a non wide TV set this to 4:3.
Sets the method used by the scaler to describe the colour of
the output video, the options are ITU.601, ITU.709 and AUTO. ITU.601 refers
to ITU-R BT.601, a form of digital component video developed for television
use. ITU.709 refers to ITU-R BT.709 a newer form of digital component video
primarily developed for HDTV and computer-display applications, that more
closely fits the colour rendering characteristics of newer CRTs and flat panel
TVs. Again simply experiment to find the best looking option for your TV.
In Auto mode the output format will match that at the input without
Video Processing Settings
Resolution :
Frame Rate :
Colour Space :
Aspect Ratio :
Colourimetry :
Return I/O

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Cambridge Audio Azur 751R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 40 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 751R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 40 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 751R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 40 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 751R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Italiano - 42 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 751R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 40 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Azur 751R Gebruiksaanwijzing - Polski - 40 pagina's

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