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Spotify connect
Spotify lets you listen to millions of songs – the artists you love, the
latest hits and discoveries just for you. If you are a Spotify Premium
user, you can control your Air using the Spotify app.
1. Connect your Air to the same Wi-Fi network as your computer,
phone or tablet running the Spotify app.
2. Open the Spotify app, and play any song.
3. Tap the song image in the bottom left of the screen.
4. Tap the Connect icon
5. Pick your Air from the list.
For information on how to set up and use Spotify Connect please visit
The Spotify Software is subject to third party licenses found here:
Bass Control
The Bass control can be found on the rear panel of the Cambridge
Audio Air 100/200 Wireless Music System. Changing this setting
allows the bass/low frequency response of the unit to be tailored to
your taste and the acoustics of your room.
In particular, placing the Air in the corner of a room can increase its
bass response or in open space decrease it, this control is designed
in such a way as to allow the bass response to be adjusted to
achieve a natural sound balance in every room.
The Remote handset also includes Bass – and Bass + buttons which
do the same thing, these allow assessment and adjustment of the
sound balance at a distance.
Renaming your Air
As default, the Air will be named by its serial number, e.g. 'Air 100
008571'. This is how it will appear in the app or when selecting it as
your AirPlay or Bluetooth speaker.
If you wish, you can rename the Air to something of your choice – for
example, 'Air Living Room', or 'Ben's Air'. The easiest way to do this
is during the setup process.
To do this, go to 'Settings > Devices' within the app and select the
Air speaker that you wish to rename. Then press '
i' button. This will
open a webpage within the app where you can rename the Air.
Type the desired new name into the AirPlay Device Name box,
and press 'Change Name'. You will now get a 'new settings were
successfully applied message', and your Air will have been renamed.
You may need to close and restart the app to reconnect to your
newly re-named Air speaker.
Resetting to factory defaults
To reset your Air back to its factory defaults follow the steps below:
WARNING! this will clear any network information, reset the name,
EQ, Bass/Volume settings, and change the internet radio presets
back to the factory dened settings
Turn On the unit.
When the small LED above the WPS button on the rear panel is
slowly ashing green press and hold the WPS button and Standby
button simultaneously for 5 seconds or until the WPS indicator
changes to yellow.
The system will now restore the factory settings and power o in
approximately 10 seconds.
Auto Power Down
To help save energy the Cambridge Audio Air Wireless Music
System will automatically power down if no user activity or audio
playback is detected within an adjustable user dened time period.
The factory default condition is for the unit to switch-o after eight
hours, however this can be adjusted by using the Auto Power Down
settings in the iOS and Android Applications.
Help and Troubleshooting
If you experience problems please contact us immediately via our
helpline phone numbers (as stated on the sticker axed to your Air)
or via our website. The following description of the status lights of
the Air may be useful for troubleshooting and in any correspondence
with us.
WPS LED (next to the WPS button on the rear
Solid Green – The unit is connected to a network.
Flashing Green (fast) – The unit is starting up.
Flashing Green (slow) – The unit is in the process of connecting to
a network
Flashing Green/Amber/ Red – The unit is in WPS connect mode.
Flashing Green/Amber – The unit is ready for entry of a Wi-Fi network
key via the App.
Flashing Yellow (slow) – There is a problem with the network. Check
that the router is switched on and not out of range.
AIR 100/200

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2

Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 13 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2 Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 13 pagina's

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