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Playing Internet Radio
The Cambridge Audio Air 100/200 Wireless Music Systems allow
playback of over 20,000 internet radio stations.
When a station is recalled in this way the LED will blink slowly whilst
the station is being acquired before turning on permanently once the
station is playing, this can take a few seconds.
4 5
Setting your own presets is done via our free Android and Apple
control Apps. which are available via the App Store and Google Play
These apps allow browsing of the full range of 20,000+ stations,
setting and recall of presets plus full control of your Air unit for
volume, bass/treble and more.
Download and install the Control App to your device and follow the
built in instructions.
Once any Internet radio station is selected and playing via the Air it
can be set to a preset simply by pressing and holding the desired
preset button on the top of the unit for approximately 4 seconds.
If the station is stored successfully the LED on the unit will blink
To set the stations back to the default preset values (also resets all
other settings) use the 'Reset to factory' default option as described
at the end of this manual.
Playing audio from Apple AirPlay devices
When the Air is connected to your home network it will appear as an
Apple AirPlay device for audio playback from any Apple devices that
are on the same network.
When you open iTunes on a network connected computer, or open
a compatible Music App on an iPad, iPhone or iPod that is also
connected to the same network you will see the AirPlay logo.
Tap the AirPlay logo and you will be able to select the Air as the
playback device.
Select your Air device and start playback, wait a few seconds for
music to start playing before adjusting volume.
Playing audio from Bluetooth Audio devices
To play content from a suitable phone, tablet or laptop which features
Bluetooth Audio you st need to pair that device with the Air.
Ensure the Air is turned on.
Press the
button on the top of the unit or on the remote handset.
The unit will enter Bluetooth pairing mode. This is indicated by the
LED ashing Blue. The unit will remain in Bluetooth pairing mode
for 30 seconds. If you have not paired within this time the unit will
exit pairing mode. You can re-enter pairing by simply pressing the
button again.
When the Air is in pairing mode open the Bluetooth settings on your
mobile device. These vary dependant on your device but typically
you will nd a menu called Bluetooth in your settings menu.
Enable Bluetooth on your device and select Pairing (or Connect or
Make sure you are within 10m of the Air with a clear line of sight.
Your device should show a list of Bluetooth devices it can see. One
of these should be "Air 100 XXXX" or "Air 200 XXXX" where the
XXXX will be a unique serial number for your unit. Simply select your
Air from the list and your device should pair to it automatically.
When the device has successfully paired with your Air the LED of the
Wireless Music System will stop ashing.
After pairing, you should be able to select the Air as the playback
device for your Bluetooth phone/tablet without needing to go
through the pairing process again unless you wish to use a dierent
Playing back from Bluetooth
When you start playing audio on your paired device the option to
stream over Bluetooth should be available. Select Bluetooth or the
appropriate name for your Air, Bluetooth playback should begin.
You can use both the volume controls on your Bluetooth device and
the Wireless Music System to control the level.
To stop/pause Bluetooth audio, use the playback controls on the
Bluetooth device itself.
Audio playback from local analogue sources
To play from a local audio source (such as a MP3 player or CD
player) simply connect the audio source to either the "MP3 In" input
(3.5mm stereo mini-jack) or the "Audio In" (RCA/Phono) connectors
on the rear panel of the unit.
Pressing the AUX button on top of the unit will toggle between Audio
In and MP3 In source.
The volume controls on the Wireless Music System can be used to
adjust the volume in the normal way.
Note: Starting to stream audio via AirPlay, Internet radio or Bluetooth
always takes priority and causes the Air to automatically switch to
that streaming source. To return to analog audio playback from
streaming simply press the AUX button on the top of the unit, this
will stop streaming playback and return the unit to the analogue

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Andere handleiding(en) van Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2

Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 13 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2 Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

Cambridge Audio Air 100 V2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 13 pagina's

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