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Page 23 of 44 pages
File overview Track overview
If the files stored on the data carrier have been supplied with ID3 tags or comparable tag
information, these will be indicated in the right half of the window during the playback.
Displaying images
This function allows you to display images on the screen. You can use this function for
CD/DVD data carriers as well as for a SD/MMC memory card. The navigation of this function
generally functions just as during the playback of MP3, WMA and OGG Vorbis files.
Slide show
To display the images in a slide show, change to the corresponding data carrier by pressing
the “MODE” button. To get to the desired image, please use the five-way multifunction button
to navigate. With this button you can navigate upward and downward. With images, a
thumbnail preview will appear. If you press the button to the left, you will return to the higher
level folder. Press the button regularly to display the image at the full screen size. Now the
slide show is started.
Rotating an image
During the slide show, you have the option of rotating the current image to the right or left by
pressing the five-way multifunction button.
The zoom function gives you the option of having the images and films displayed in an
enlarged or reduced format. To activate the zoom function, press the ZOOM button on the
remote control for at least three seconds. The message “ZOOM 100%” will appear. Now the
and on the remote control as well as on the device will allow you to set the
zoom value. The button
decreases - the button increases the zoom value. The
following levels are available: 50%, 75%, 100%, 125%, 150% and 200%. If the zoom level is
larger than 100%, you have the option of moving the image by means of the arrow buttons
on the remote control as well as the five-way multifunction button. To end the zoom function
again, press the ZOOM button again for approx. three seconds until the function turns off and
the next image is displayed.
Thumbnail view
With the thumbnail view, you have the option of having the images on the data carrier
displayed in a set of nine small images for each page. To get to this overview, please press
the stop button
Ŷ during the slide show. The arrow buttons of the remote control or the five-
way multifunction button now give you the option of selecting the individual images or the
navigation. By pressing the ENTER button you will confirm your selection.

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