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! ! ! WARNING ! ! !
For safe use of the BBQ:
Leave enough free space around the BBQ and keep inflammable materials out of the way.
NEVER let children use the BBQ or play near the BBQ.
This BBQ is intended for outdoor use ONLY. NEVER use the BBQ in confined spaces such as a carport,
veranda, covered patio, garage, or underneath inflammable materials.
Do not obstruct the vents in the four sides of the BBQ, this could affect the burning power of the burner due
to insufficient air supply.
Place the BBQ at least 100 cm away from walls or other surfaces. Place the BBQ at least 100 cm away
from objects that could ignite the gas such as electrical equipment, pilot flames of gas water heaters, etc.
Do not use this BBQ on or underneath wooden balconies.
This BBQ is designed for use with L.P. gas, do NOT use lava stone, brikets or charcoal with this BBQ.
NEVER ignite the burner with the cover closed. Non-burned gas can accumulate within the closed BBQ
and cause an explosion.
Regularly check the flames of the burners.
Shut down the gas supply when the BBQ is not in use.
Always shut off the gas cylinder completely and disconnect it from the BBQ before moving the BBQ.
Grilling requires a high temperature for the meat to nicely burn and brown. Most dishes are constantly grilled on
position . However, when grilling large pieces of meat or chicken, it might be necessary to lower the
temperature after the first browning. This ensures the food to get well done, without burning the outside. For
food requiring long grill times or containing sugar marinade you might have to lower the temperature nearing
the end of the grill time.
Make sure the BBQ is checked for leaks and is properly placed.
Remove all packing materials.
Ignite the burners according to the instructions in this user manual.
Turn the control knob to and preheat the BBQ for 15 minutes.
Note: The lid of the BBQ must be closed while preheating.
Arrange the food on the grill and grill it until done. Temperature setting.
The control know can be set to any position between and .
NOTE: The BBQ is designed for efficient grilling without the use of brikets or lava stones.
NOTE: The hot grill will brown the outside of the meat, keeping the juices inside. The longer the BBQ is
preheated, the quicker the meat will brown.
Keep an open space around the BBQ, and keep inflammable materials, gasoline and other combustible
gasses at a safe distance.
Make sure that the holes in the three sides of the stand stay open to keep the air supply and ventilation
from being blocked.

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