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This warranty does not cover normal wear and tear of parts, or damage as a result of the following: neglect or
misuse of the product, use with unsuitable fuel/gas supply, use in contradiction with the instructions for use, or
adjustments made by anyone other than the service centre of our factory. The warranty period will not be
extended by the above mentioned repairs or replacements.
Frequently asked questions & the answers
Where can I purchase a gas cylinder, approved and suitable for this Brixton BBQ?
At your local gas supplier or any large camping shops.
Can the BBQ stay outside in any weather condition?
We recommend storing your BBQ after use in a dry and well-ventilated place. Always disconnect the gas
cylinder according to the instructions in this manual.
You can also purchase a protective cover. These are available at your point of sales or at LIBO Technical
Services (info@liboairco.nl).
After opening the packaging, BBQ parts are damaged or missing, what to do now?
Contact LIBO Technical Services (info@liboairco.nl) they will help you further.
Can I wash the grill and/or baking trays in the dishwasher?
This is possibly, however, cleaning with a BBQ cleaning agent or soapy water is also sufficient.
Can I use the BBQ also as an oven?
When you keep the cover closed during use, the BBQ acts as a sort of oven. Do pay close attention to the
temperature on the built-in temperature gauge.
In case it rises too high, you should set the gas lower or otherwise open the cover. Always keep a safe distance
when opening the cover!
Grease is leaking from underneath the BBQ and/or on the foundation, what to do now?
Clean the BBQ and foundation. Move your BBQ to a flat or straight surface.
Also make sure to regularly empty the grease drip tray.
Can the BBQ be flush-mounted into an outdoor kitchen?
No, this BBQ model is unsuitable for flush-mounting. However, this BBQ is not suitable for indoor use or
underneath a inflammable shelter.
Is there a rotary spit available for this BBQ?
Please contact LIBO Technical Services (info@liboairco.nl). They will help you further.

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