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5. Use in the vehicle
Secure base station
1. Select suitable seat
WARNING! Note and follow the vehicle's operating instructions.
)Car seats with i-Size approval are suitable.
)Suitable car seats with ISOFIX installation bracket, which have been tested
and approved by us. These are shown in our model list at www.britax-
)Only car seats arranged in the direction of travel are approved for use.
2. Position base station 7
Fold out support leg.
Position base station on the car seat.
3. Adjust shock bar 8
Hold adjustment button down.
Adjust shock bar to the backrest of the car seat.
Release adjustment button.
ªShock bar audibly locks.
Check that the shock bar is securely locked in place.
)If the shock bar can no longer be adjusted, then it is securely locked in
4. Checking ISOFIX 9
Check whether the ISOFIX locking arms are open.
)The ISOFIX locking arms are open if a green area is not visible.
If the ISOFIX locking arms are closed, then press the locking button and
the release button together.
5. Fastening the ISOFIX 10
Attach applicator.
)The applicators help simplify connecting the ISOFIX locking arms of the
product to the vehicle's ISOFIX installation bracket.
Pull the grey fabric loop.
ªISOFIX locking arms are extended fully.
Insert both ISOFIX locking arms into the applicators and connect to the
ISOFIX installation brackets.
ªISOFIX locking arms audibly lock.
ªThe green area is visible on both ISOFIX locking arms.
ªISOFIX is connected.
Push the base station as far as possible against the backrest of the car
Risk of injury to spine
An infant carrier is not intended to hold a child for prolonged periods of time.
The semi-recumbent position in the infant carrier will always put a strain on
the child's spine.
Take breaks on long journeys.
Take the child out of the infant carrier as often as possible.
Do not keep your child in the infant carrier once it has been removed from
the car.
Risk of injury from unsecured child
If the child causes the car seat belt lock to open, in the event of an emergency
stop or an accident there is a risk of serious or even fatal injuries.
Stop safely as soon as this is possible.
Ensure that the child seat is correctly fastened.
Ensure that your child is correctly buckled up correctly.
Explain the consequences and dangers to the child.
Avoid damaging the product
Never use product in a free-standing position, even for testing.
Product is not a toy.
Ensure that the product is not trapped between hard objects (car door,
seat rails, etc.).
Keep product away from: Damp, moisture, liquids, dust and salt spray.
Do not lean heavy objects on the product.
Risk of injury as a result of prohibited modification
This approval is invalidated if you make any modifications to this product.
Changes may only be made by the manufacturer. The stickers on the product
are an important component of the product.
Do not make any changes.
Do not remove stickers.
How to avoid damaging the vehicle
Sensitive car seat covers may be damaged.
Use a BRITAX RÖMER child seat base. These are available separately.
6. Check the ISOFIX fastening 11
Check that the ISOFIX locking arms are connected to the ISOFIX
installation brackets on both sides. Pull the base station. If neither of the
ISOFIX locking arms can be released, then both are securely connected to
the vehicle.
ªThe green area is visible on both ISOFIX locking arms.
ªISOFIX is connected.
7. Setting support leg 12
Make sure that the acoustic support is active. If the control signal cannot
be heard, check the charge level of the battery. Replace the battery if
necessary. See chapter “Acoustic support” page 1.
Fold support leg fully away from the base station.
ªSupport leg audibly locks.
ªThe red rotary function indicator is no longer visible.
Hold down support leg buttons.
Extend support leg to the floor of the vehicle.
WARNING! Never place objects under the support leg.
ªThe red support indicator is no longer visible.
ªControl signal can no longer be heard.
ªBottom of the base station is on the seat of the car seat.
Secure seat module to base station
1. Secure module 13
seat modules facing forwards.
WARNING! For rear-facing use, disable front airbag.
Make sure that there are no foreign objects on the base station.
For infant carriers, make sure that the handle is in the top position A and
the child is secured into the infant carrier.
Note alignment of the rotary plate on the base station.
)Each seat module can only be connected to the rotary plate in a specific
direction. The back of the seat module must face the unlock button.
Lock seat module to the base station.
ªSeat module audibly locks.
Check that the seat module is securely locked in place.
)Try to lift the seat module. If the seat module cannot be lifted from the base
station, the seat module is securely locked in place.
2. Set angle of incline 14
This station allows the angle of seat the module to be set. This allows
compensation for dierent car seat angles.
)The following applies in combination with the DUALFIX iSENSE and
DUALFIX 3 i-SIZE seat modules: not all possible angles can be set
on certain care seats.
Hold incline button down.
Incline seat module as desired.
Release incline button.
ªPosition audibly locks.
Check that angle function is securely locked in place.
)If the seat module can no longer be tilted, the angle function is securely
locked in place.
Check before every use
The green area is visible on both ISOFIX locking arms.
The red rotary function indicator is not visible.
The red support indicator is not visible.
The support leg is directly on the floor.
Control signal cannot be heard.
Bottom of the base station is on the seat of the car seat.
The red rotary function indicator is not visible.
Seat module is securely fastened to the base station.
Shoulder belts are correctly adjusted.
Child is correctly strapped in.
When using an infant carrier, please also note
Infant carrier is secured facing away from the direction of travel.
If the vehicle has a front airbag, it is disabled.
Handle is in the upper position A.
16 Loosen seat module from the base
station 15
For infant carriers, make sure that the handle is in the top position A and
the child is secured into the infant carrier.
Press unlock button.
Hold seat module and lift.
Remove seat module from the vehicle.
Loosen base station 16
Push the locking button and release button on the two ISOFIX locking arms
ªLocking arms are released.
Push ISOFIX locking arms into the base station.
Remove base station from the vehicle.
6. Cleaning and care
Clean plastic parts with soapy water.
Do not use abrasive cleaning agents (e.g. solvents).
7. Temporary storage of product
If you do not use the product for a longer period, please note the following
Store product in a secure and dry location.
Maintain storage temperature between 20 and 25 °C.
Do not lean heavy objects on the product.
Do not store product directly next to sources of heat or in direct sunlight.
Disable acoustic support.
Fold in support leg.
Store base station horizontally.
8. Disposal
Please follow the disposal regulations applying in your country.
Packaging Container for cardboard boxes
Seat cover Residual waste, thermal recycling
Plastic parts To be placed in the corresponding
container as labelled
Metal parts Container for metals
Belt straps Container for polyester
Buckle and clip Residual waste
Battery Container for batteries

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Andere handleiding(en) van Britax-Romer FLEX BASE iSENSE

Britax-Romer FLEX BASE iSENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Britax-Romer FLEX BASE iSENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

Britax-Romer FLEX BASE iSENSE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 2 pagina's

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