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Please note that the warranty does
not cover damage due to shipping
or negligence of adjustment or
maintenance instructions described in
this manual.
The equipment must not be used by
persons weighing over 135 kg.
Do not attempt any servicing or
adjustments other than those described
in this guide. Everything else must
be left to someone familiar with the
maintenance of electromechanical
equipments and authorised under the
laws of the country in question to carry
out maintenance and repair work.
Start by unpacking the equipment. The
detailed assembly instructions can be
found at the back of this guide. Follow the
instructions in given order. Before assembly,
check the contents of the package. If a part
is missing, please contact your dealer with
the model, equipment serial no. and spare
part no. of the missing part. You’ll find a
spare part list at the back of this guide. The
hardware kit contents are marked with * in
the spare parts list. The directions left, right,
front and backt are defined as seen from the
exercising position. Keep the assembly tools,
as you may need them e.g. for adjusting the
equipment. Note that two people are needed
for the assembly.
The packaging includes a silicate bag for
absorbing moisture during storage and
transportation. Please dispose of the bag
once you have unpacked the equipment.
Allow at least 100 cm of clearance around
the equipment. We also recommend opening
the package and assembling the product
on a protective base. After assembling
the equipment, insert the batteries on the
backside of the console.
Your choice shows that you really want to
invest in your well being and condition; it also
shows you really value high quality and style.
With Bremshey Sport Fitness Equipment, you’ve
chosen a high quality, safe and motivating
product as your training partner. Whatever
your goal in training, we are certain this is the
training equipment to get you there. You’ll
find information about using your exercise
equipment and what makes for efficient
training at Bremshey Sports website at
Rowing is a very effective form of exercise.
In addition to strengthening the heart and
improving circulation, it develops the various
groups of large muscles: the back, the
abdomen, the arms, the shoulders as well as
the pelvis and the legs. Rowing also develops
muscular flexibility without exertion of joints,
and it is a recommended form of exercise for
those who suffer from pains in the neck and
shoulder area. Working out using a rowing
machine is excellent aerobic exercise, the
principle being that the exercise should be
suitably light, but of long duration. Aerobic
exercise is based on improving the bodys
maximum oxygen uptake, which in turn
improves endurance and fitness. The ability
of the body to burn fat as a fuel is directly
dependent on its oxygen-uptake capacity.
Aerobic exercise should above all be pleasant.
You should perspire, but you should not get out
of breath during the workout.
You should exercise at least three times a
week, 30 minutes at a time, to reach a basic
fitness level. Maintaining this level requires
a few exercise sessions each week. Once the
basic condition has been reached, it is easily
improved, simply by increasing the number of
exercise sessions.
Exercise is always rewarding for weight loss,
because it is the only way of increasing the
energy spent by the body. This is why it is
always worthwhile to combine regular exercise
with a healthy diet. A dieter should exercise
daily - at first 30 minutes or less at a time,
gradually increasing the daily workout time to
one hour. You should start slowly and at low
resistance, because strenuous exercise may
subject the heart and circulatory system to
excessive strain. As fitness improves, resistance
and speed can be increased gradually.
Short sequences at heavy load increase
maximum strength and muscular mass, longer
sequences at a lighter load trim the body and
develop stamina. First find your maximum
heart rate i.e. where the rate doesn’t increase
with added effort. If you don’t know your
maximum heart rate, please use the following
formula as a guide:
220 - AGE
These are average values and the maximum
varies from person to person. The maximum
heart-rate diminishes on average by one point
per year. If you belong to a risk group, ask a
doctor to measure your maximum heart rate for
BR-Ambition_Rower_090325_1.indd 3 3/25/2009 4:44:26 PM

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