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Read this guide through carefully
before assembling, using or servicing
your fitness equipment. Please keep
the guide somewhere safe; it will
provide you now and in the future with
the information you need to use and
maintain your equipment. Always follow
these instructions with care.
Before you start any training, consult a
physician to check your state of health.
If you experience nausea, dizziness
or other abnormal symptoms while
exercising, stop your workout at once
and consult a physician.
Excessive or improper training may
cause health problems.
To avoid muscular pain and strain,
begin each workout by warming up and
end it by cooling down (slow pedaling at
low resistance). Don’t forget to stretch at
the end of the workout.
The equipment is not to be used
Place the equipment on a firm, level
surface. Place the equipment on a
protective base to avoid any damages to
the floor beneath the equipment.
Make sure that the exercising
environment has adequate ventilation.
EXERCISING .............................................................3
USE ............................................................................4
CONSOLE ..................................................................4
TRANSPORT AND STORAGE...................................6
MAINTENANCE .........................................................6
MALFUNCTIONS .......................................................6
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS .................................6
To avoid catching cold, do not exercise
in a draughty place.
In training, the equipment tolerates
an environment measuring +10°C to
+35°C. The equipment can be stored
in temperatures ranging between -15°C
and +40°C. Air humidity in the training or
storage environment must never exceed
90 %.
Allow at least 100 cm of clearance
around the equipment.
If children are allowed to use the
equipment, they should be supervised
and taught to use the equipment
properly, keeping in mind the child’s
physical and mental development and
their personality. Also make sure that
pet animals keep a safe distance to the
product when it is transporting or used
for training.
Before you start using the equipment,
make sure that it functions correctly
in every way. Do not use a faulty
Press the keys with the tip of the
finger; your nails may damage the key
Never remove the covers.
Only one person may use the
equipment at a time.
Hold the handlebar for support when
getting on or off the equipment.
Wear appropriate clothing and shoes
when exercising.
Protect the meter from sunlight and
always dry the surface of the meter if
there are any drops of sweat on it.
This product has a speed-dependent
braking system.
The equipment has been designed for
home use. The Bremshey Sport warranty
applies only to faults and malfunctions
in home use (24 months). Further
information on warranty terms can be
found in the warranty booklet included
with the product.
BR-Ambition_Rower_090325_1.indd 2 3/25/2009 4:44:26 PM

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