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For underarm and bikini line
epilation, we recommend that you
use the epilator head (without
EverSoft attachment).
To change the epilator heads,
press the release buttons on
the left and right and pull off the
epilator head.
Plug the cord connector into
the socket and plug the
transformer plug into an
electrical outlet.
1. To turn on the appliance, slide
switch up to setting «2»
(«2» = normal epilation,
«1» = gentle epilation).
2. Rub your skin to lift short hairs.
In order to make best use of the
EverSoft attachment, hold the
appliance at right angles (90°)
against your skin and guide it
against the hair growth and in
the direction of the switch. When
using the EverSoft attachment,
make sure that both wheels are
always kept in contact with the
skin. Do not press too hard.
3. Leg epilation (epilator head
EverSoft attachment )
Epilate your legs from bottom
upwards. When epilating behind
the knee, keep the leg stretched
out straight.
4. Underarm and bikini line epilation
(underarm epilator head )
User tests monitored by dermatol-
ogists have shown that you may
epilate under the arm and at the
bikini line as well. For this specific
application, the narrow underarm
epilator head has been developed.
Thanks to its specific design
adapted to the contours of these
areas it provides a gentle and
thorough epilation. Be aware that
these areas are particularly
sensitive to pain. However, the
pain sensation will diminish with
repeated usage.
For this specific application, we
would like to give the following
Before epilating, thoroughly clean
the respective area to remove
residue (like deodorant).
Then dry with a towel, carefully
using a dabbing action.
When epilating underarm, keep
your arm raised up and guide the
appliance in different directions.
Cleaning the epilator heads
5. After epilating, unplug the
appliance and clean the epilator
head used:
When cleaning the epilator head
, first take off the EverSoft
attachment and brush out the
6. Thoroughly clean the tweezer
element with the cleaning brush
and also with cleaning fluid (e.g.
alcohol). While cleaning, you can
turn the tweezer element
manually. To remove the epilator
head, press the release buttons
on the left and right and pull it off.
7. Give the top of the housing a quick
clean with the brush. Put back on
5316405_2570_P6-72 Seite 12 Freitag, 24. November 2000 8:47 08

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