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When first removing hairs from the
root you may experience some
irritation depending on the condition
of your skin and hair (e.g. discomfort
and reddening of the skin). This is a
normal reaction that will quickly
If, after 36 hours, your skin still
shows irritations, we recommend you
contact your physician. In general,
the skin reactions and the sensation
of pain tend to diminish considerably
with the repeated use of Silk·épil.
If you have any doubts about using
this appliance, please consult your
physician. In the following cases, this
appliance should only be used after
prior consultation with a physician:
eczema, wounds, inflamed skin
reactions such as folliculitis
(purulent hair follicles) and
varicose veins
around moles
reduced immunity of the skin,
e.g. diabetes mellitus, during
pregnancy, Raynaud’s disease
haemophilia or immune
Silk·épil is designed to remove hair
on legs, but can also be used on all
sensitive areas like forearms,
underarms or the bikini line.
When switched on, the appliance
must never come in contact with
the hair on your head, eyelashes,
ribbons, etc. to prevent any danger of
injury as well as to prevent blockage
or damage to the appliance.
Some useful tips
For the first use or if not having
epilated for a long time, we
recommend that you first shave
longer hairs. After 1–2 weeks, it is
much easier and more comfortable
to epilate the regrowing, short hairs.
Before epilating, you may as well
pre-cut long hairs to a length of 2 to
5 mm.
Hair is easier to remove after bathing
or showering. However, hair and
skin must be completely dry. After
epilating, we recommend applying
a moisture cream to relax the skin
and relieve slight skin irritations.
In the beginning, it is advisable to
epilate in the evening, so that any
possible reddening can disappear
The fine hairs which regrow might
not manage to get through to the
skin surface. In order to prevent
in-growing hairs, we recommend
the regular use of massage sponges
(e.g. after showering) or exfoliation
peelings. By a gentle scrubbing
action, the upper skin layer is
removed and fine hairs can get
through to the skin surface.
How to epilate
Your skin must be dry and free
from grease or cream.
Before starting off, thoroughly
clean epilator heads and .
For leg epilation, choose epilator
head , put it on and make sure
that the EverSoft attachment
in place.
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5316405_2570_P6-72 Seite 11 Freitag, 24. November 2000 8:47 08

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