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AM196573_05_V.pdf October 29, 2001 9
Setting Up
Connecting the speakers and Lifestyle
music center
Once you have selected locations for your music system, connect the speakers.
Make sure all components are unplugged from the power outlet before you
begin hooking up the system.
Connecting the cube speaker arrays to the Acoustimass
Each speaker cable contains two wires. The wire marked with a red collar is positive (+) and
the plain one is negative (). These wires match the positive (red) and negative (black) termi-
nals on the back of each speaker. To lengthen the cable, use heavy-duty RCA extension
cables or splice in 18-gauge or thicker cord (connecting + to + and to ). To purchase
cables, see your dealer or electronics store, or call Bose
customer service.
The surround cables are joined together for your convenience, providing an easy-to-
use cable for connecting the surround speakers. To run the cables in different directions from
the Acoustimass module, simply pull apart the cables as needed.
1. Match the correct cable to the corresponding speaker location.
Front speaker cables have blue connectors at one end, with L, R, or C molded into the
connectors. The red collars on the + wire are labeled LEFT, RIGHT, and CENTER.
Surround speaker cables have orange connectors at one end, with L or R molded into
the connectors. The red collars on the + wire are labeled LEFT and RIGHT.
2. Connect the wire end of one speaker cable to the terminals on the rear of the matching
cube speaker array.
a. Press the terminal tab on the back of the cube array to insert the marked wire into the
red terminal and the plain wire into the black terminal. Release the tab to secure the
b. Repeat this step for each of the five cube speaker arrays. (See Figure 5.
Figure 5
Speaker cable connections to
the cube speaker array
Make sure no strands of wire from any terminal touch any other terminal.
Bridged wires create short circuits that affect proper operation of your system.
3. Connect each cable to the corresponding jack on the Acoustimass module.
a. Plug the blue connectors into the matching left front, center, and right front jacks.
b. Plug the orange connectors into the matching left surround and right surround jacks.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bose lifestyle 12 series ii

Bose lifestyle 12 series ii Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 36 pagina's

Bose lifestyle 12 series ii Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 36 pagina's

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