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Robert Bosch Hausgeräte GmbH 5
This appliance is designed for processing
normal household quantities in the home or
similar quantities in non-industrial applications.
Non-industrial applications include e.g. use in
employee kitchens in shops, offices, agri-
cultural and other commercial businesses, as
well as use by guests in boarding houses, small
hotels and similar dwellings.
Use the appliance for processing normal
quantities of food for domestic use.
Please read, follow and retain the operating
Safety Information
Connect and operate the appliance only
in accordance with the specifications
on the rating plate.
Keep children away from the appliance.
Supervise children to prevent them from
playing with the appliance.
Do not allow persons (also children) with
restricted physical sensory perception
or mental abilities or with lack of experience
and knowledge to operate the appliance
unless they are supervised or have been
instructed in the use of the appliance by
somebody who is responsible for their safety.
Always pull out the mains plug after using
the appliance, before cleaning the appliance,
before leaving the room or if a fault occurs.
Do not use if the cord or appliance is damaged.
Before use, always check the entire appliance,
in particular the filter and filter tray, for damage
(cracks, flaws).
To prevent injury, a damaged power cord
must be replaced by the manufacturer
or his customer service or a similarly qualified
person. Only our customer service may repair
the appliance. Make out-of-service appliances
Do not bring the power cord into contact with
hot parts, do not pull it over sharp edges
or carry the appliance by the power cord.
Never immerse the appliance or mains cable
in water.
Do not dismantle the appliance until the motor
has stopped.
The appliance is intended to be used by one
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Start lock-out
The appliance cannot be switched on unless
Filter tray and lid have been attached
correctly and
the catches have been locked and engaged
Before using the appliance, always check that
the lid is locked!
Please fold out the illustrated page.
Fig. A
1 Motor unit (with cord store)
2 Switch
0/off Switch off the appliance
1 Switch on the appliance/
Low speed
2 Switch on the appliance/
High speed
3 Pulp container
4 Catch
5 Filter tray (with outlet)
6 Filter
7 Lid
8 Filling shaft
9 Pusher
10 Juice jug
11 Foam separator
12 Lid for juice jug
13 Cleaning brush
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De handleiding is 5,38 mb groot.


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