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Do not use the power cord to carry
the vacuum cleaner.
Fully extend the power cord when
using the vacuum cleaner
continuously for several hours.
When disconnecting the appliance
from the mains, pull on the plug,
not the power cord.
Do not pull the power cord around
sharp corners or allow it to become
Unplug the power cord from the
mains before carrying out any work
on the vacuum cleaner or its
Do not use the vacuum cleaner if it
is damaged. Unplug the power cord
from the mains if a fault is
For safety reasons, only authorised
after-sales service personnel are
permitted to carry out repairs and
fit replacement parts to the vacuum
Protect the vacuum cleaner from
outside weather conditions,
moisture and sources of heat.
The vacuum cleaner is not suitable
for use on building sites.
=> Vacuuming up building rubble
could damage the appliance.
Switch off the appliance when it is
not in use.
At the end of its life, the appliance
should be rendered unusable, then
disposed of in an appropriate
Plastic bags and films must be kept
out of the reach of children before
disposal (risk of suffocation).
do not pour any flammable
substances or substances
containing alcohol onto the filters
(filter bag, motor protective filter,
exhaust filter, etc.).
Disposal information
The packaging is designed to
protect the vacuum cleaner from
being damaged during
transportation. It is made of
environmentally friendly materials
and can be recycled.
Dispose of packaging that is no
longer required at an appropriate
recycling point.
Used vacuum cleaners
Used vacuum cleaners still contain
many valuable materials. Therefore,
please take your used vacuum
cleaner to your retailer or recycling
centre to be recycled. For current
disposal methods, please enquire at
your retailer or your local council.
Disposal of filters and dust bags
Filters and dust bags are made
from environmentally friendly
As long as they do not contain
substances that are not permitted
to be disposed of in the household
rubbish, you can dispose of them
with your normal household
Please note
The mains socket must be
protected by at least a 10 amp fuse.
If a fuse should blow when you
switch on the appliance, this may
be because other electrical
appliances which have a high
current draw are connected to the
same power circuit.
To prevent the fuse from blowing,
select the lowest power setting
before switching the appliance on,
and increase the power only once it
is running.
9000 584 275 A 11.08.2010 15:20 Uhr Seite 5

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