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Congratulations on your purchase of
a Bosch BSG8 vacuum cleaner.
This instruction manual describes
various BSG8 models, which means
that some of the equipment features
and functions described may not be
available on your model.
You should only use original Bosch
accessories, which have been
specially developed for your vacuum
cleaner to achieve the best possible
vacuuming results.
Please keep this instruction manual in
a safe place. If you pass the vacuum
cleaner on to someone else, please
also pass on this instruction manual.
Intended use
This vacuum cleaner is intended for
domestic use only, not for commercial
Only use this vacuum cleaner in
accordance with the instructions in
this instruction manual.
The manufacturer will not accept any
responsibility for damage caused by
improper use or incorrect operation.
Therefore, you must note the
following points.
The vacuum cleaner must only be
operated with:
Manufacturer's original dust bags
Manufacturer's original
replacement parts, accessories or
special accessories
Safety information
This vacuum cleaner complies with
the generally accepted standards of
technology and relevant safety
Always observe the information on
the rating plate when using the
vacuum cleaner and connecting to
the power supply.
Never use the vacuum cleaner
without a dust bag fitted.
=> This can damage the appliance.
Only allow children to use the
vacuum cleaner under supervision.
This appliance must not be used by
children or persons with limited
physical, sensory or mental abilities
or with a lack of experience and
knowledge (including children)
unless they have been instructed in
the use of the appliance by a
responsible person.
The vacuum cleaner may not be used for:
cleaning persons or animals
vacuuming up:
hazardous, sharp-edged, hot or
red hot substances.
damp or liquid substances
highly flammable or explosive
substances and gases
ash, soot from tiled stoves and
central heating systems
toner dust from printers and
Keep suction away from your head
when using the handle, nozzles or
pipe. => Risk of injury.
Stand the appliance on a firm,
secure surface when vacuuming.
When vacuuming stairs, the
appliance must always be lower
down than you.
In the following cases, stop using
the appliance immediately and
contact the after-sales
if the mains connection cable is
if you have accidentally vacuumed
up some liquid or liquid has
entered the inside of the
if the appliance has been
9000 584 275 A 11.08.2010 15:20 Uhr Seite 4

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch BSG 82485

Bosch BSG 82485 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanôl, Polski, Türkiye, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 138 pagina's

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