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Before carrying out any maintenance work on
the unit, make sure the humidi er is turned
off, unplugged and wait till all parts cool
To clean the humidi er do not use abrasive powders
or strong solvents.
To avoid electric shock or unit breakdown do not im-
merse the humidi er in water.
It is recommended to remove and clean calcium
build up regularly from the humidi er.
In order to maintain the appearance of a humidi er,
clean it with a soft cloth soaked in warm water.
Before starting, make sure that the humidi er and all
parts are dry.
When disposing of any part of your equipment take ex-
tra measures to prevent environmental harm. It is not
recommended to burn any parts of the unit or product
package. Burning any of it will emit hazardous sub-
stances that may be harmful to the environment, hu-
man health and animals.
Life of product is 2 years.
By using this product in the recommended areas and
maintaining it regularly as set indicated in this manual,
by following all the rules of safety the life of the unit
may be extended much more than manufactures rec-
ommended time.
Manufacture reserves the right to make any changes to
the construction or complete set of the product without
deteriorating the performance of the product.
Use with caution in children’s rooms and if
anybody has allergic reactions.
When you use medicine, you should consult
your doctor.
Do not temper or make any changes to the
construction of the unit. Do not service the
unit by yourself or by unauthorized person-
nel, as well as non-compliance with the requirements
for the use and maintenance, as described in this man-
ual. Any of the above will terminate the warranty of this
1. Check the unit for damage. If damaged, do not use
the appliance.
if the humidi er was subject to negative tempera-
tures, prior to use is recommended to keep at room
temperature for 30 minutes.
Use a humidi er at an indoor temperature of +5 to
+40 ° C, with relative humidity less than 80%.
2. Remove the water tank from the housing.
3. Turn the tank and unscrew the cap by turning it coun-
terclockwise. Fill the container with water and screw
the lid by turning it clockwise.
4. Place the lled tank into the housing.
5. Install the unit on a at, clean surface.
6. Connect the power cord to the wall socket.
7. Turn on the humidi er by turning the knob clockwise.
Set the intensity of the water spray by turning the knob
to the desired value.
8. To disconnect the unit, turn the knob to “Off.” And
unplug the appliance.
To avoid damage to the humidi er do not op-
erate without water.
While lling the humidi er with water, hold it
with both hands.
While the humidi er is working, please do not
touch any parts that contain water.

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