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Congratulations on the purchase of BORT product,
which has progressive design and high quality. We
hope that our products will be your companion for
many years.
For the ef cient and safe use of the product, please
read this manual and save it for future reference.
1 Vapor outlet slots
2 Water tank
3 Central body
4 Mist adjustment button
5 Water tank valve
6 Water-intake opening
7 Red/Green power light
ATTENTION: All schematic pictures may differ from the
actual product
Standard complete set of the product includes:
Humidi er
Power cord
Owner’s manual
Due to the constant improvement of the technical
characteristics of the models, we reserve the right to
make changes in construction and/or complete set of
WARNING! When using any electrical appliances, al-
ways take the following precautions. Read and remem-
ber instructions before you start to use a humidi er.
Ensure that the power supply corresponds to the
voltage printed on the product. Improper voltage
may cause malfunction to the humidi er.
Damaged power cord and a plug, must be replaced
with identical parts and only by dedicated service
Do not immerse or contact the humidi er and power
cord in water or other liquid. Do not switch on or
switch off the appliance with wet or damp hands.
If any liquid spilled on the humidi er, immediately
remove the power cord from the outlet.
Turn off the humidi er when lling up or emptying
the water from the tank.
In case of a dropped or damaged humidi er or the
power cord, do not use the unit without having it
checked by trained technician, as some hazardous
damage may not be visible but can threaten your
Check the humidi er and power cord for damage. In
case of damage, do not use the humidi er.
Do not repair your humidi er by yourself. Contact
the nearest service center.
If you do not use the humidi er or you want to clean
it, or found any problems, unplug the unit from the
wall socket by pulling it from the plug and not by the
The humidi er must be on a stable and horizontal
surface. For additional security, if the surface is
wood or other material which is not waterproofed
extra padding is advised.
Do not leave a running humidi er unattended. Keep
it away from the reach of children. Make sure the
cable cord is not hanging down. When using a hu-
midi er by children keep them under adults supervi-
sion. Do not allow children to play with any kind of
electrical appliances, including a humidi er to avoid
the risk of electric shock.
The power cord of the humidi er should not be ex-
posed to hot or sharp surfaces, direct sunlight and
heat. Do not use the humidi er outside of the living
Humidi er is intended only to increase the humidity.
Should be lled with fresh water only. If other then
fresh water or additives are added in the tank then
manufacturer will not take responsibilities for the
safety of its operation.
Do not ll the humidi er through the dispenser.
To avoid white coating, you must use the water with
hardness of less than 5.4 mEq / l.
Use of puri ed or distilled water recommended.
Do not ll with hot or cold water in the water tank
(water temperature should be in the range 19-30 °
Do not tilt or turn humidi er during operation.
Do not use a humidi er in the vicinity of heaters and
other heat sources.
The minimum distance from the humidi er to the
wall should be at least 10 cm, and no less than 1
meter to the ceiling.
To avoid electric shock, do not add water in the tank
while the humidi er is plugged in.

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