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ODsb 8000A
to the nearest loudspeaker cables (front
or back) on the left and on the right,
separate them and connect to the input
terminals. The polarity of the connec-
tions, + or -, must be observed. Bridge
output terminals (BTL), can also be con-
nected without an additional adaptor.
1 Input sensitivity
2 Phase adjustment
3 Crossover frequency
4 Connecting cable
5 Preamplifier input jacks
6 + battery, red
7 - ground, black
8 ON/OFF control input, yellow
9 Loudspeaker input left
: Loudspeaker input right
; Fuse 20 A
Before using the equipment, we recom-
mend you set the controls to the follow-
ing positions: Gain, position 1 at min-
imum; Phase, position 2 at 0°;
Crossover, position 3 at 80 Hz.
Turn on the system and select a music
track from a CD or cassette that con-
tains powerful bass. Turn up your ster-
eo’s volume to the required listening lev-
el. Now slowly turn up the Gain control
1 until you clearly hear an increase in
the bass level. Next, using the Crosso-
ver control 3, select a crossover fre-
quency that produces a well-balanced
bass sound. You may have to alternate
between finely tuning Gain control 1
and Crossover control 3 to optimise
the sound. Booming bass with an ex-
aggerated volume can be achieved by
setting the crossover to a low frequen-
cy. The Phase control should be adjust-
ed so that the bass blends as best as
possible into the overall sound and is
not heard as a distinct source.
Check your tuning of the ODsb 8000A
with the bass control fully turned up and,
if necessary, with the loudness turned
on. Overamplification of the ACITVE
WOOFER BOX caused by too high sen-
sitivity setting 1 leads to distorded re-
production and can irreparably damage
the loudspeaker.
Recycling and disposal
Our products are made from
materials that can be disposed
of in an environmentally sensi-
tive manner and are suitable for
appropriate recycling. Products that are
to be scrapped must be collected sepa-
rately from household waste. To dispo-
se of the product, please use the avai-
lable waste return and collection sys-
ODsb_8000A.pmd 24.06.2005, 12:56 Uhr5

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