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ODsb 8000A
Thank you for deciding to use a Blau-
punkt product. We hope you enjoy us-
ing this new piece of equipment.
Please read these operating instruc-
tions before using the equipment for
the first time.
The Blaupunkt editors are constantly
working on making the operating in-
structions clearer and easier to under-
stand. However, if you still have any
questions on how to operate the equip-
ment, please contact your dealer or the
telephone hotline for your country. You
will find the hotline telephone numbers
printed at the back of this booklet.
We provide a manufacturer guarantee
for our products bought within the Eu-
ropean Union. You can view the guar-
antee conditions at www.blaupunkt.de
or ask for them directly at:
Blaupunkt GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 200
D-31139 Hildesheim
Safety instructions
When carrying out installation work
and making connections please ob-
serve the following safety instruc-
- Disconnect the negative terminal of
the battery! When doing so, please
observe the vehicle manufacturers
safety instructions.
- Make sure you do not damage ve-
hicle components when drilling any
- The cross sections of the positive
and negative cables must not be
less than 2.5 mm
- Incorrect installation may cause in-
terference with electronic vehicle
systems or your car radio.
Instructions for installation and
The final stage must be installed pro-
fessionally for reasons of safety. The
mounting surface must be suitable for
the screws provided, and must provide
firm support (see page 19, Fig. 1).
Fit a fuse in the amplifier power line no
more than 30 cm from the vehicle bat-
tery, in order to protect the battery in the
event of a short-circuit between it and
the power amplifier. The amplifier’s own
fuse protects the amplifier itself, but not
the car battery.
Connection (see page 20, Fig. 2)
Connect red wire 6 with positive bat-
tery, the wire 7 with negative vehicle
ground and the control wire 8 with the
control output (e.g. for electronic aerial
or amplifier) of the car stereo equipment.
The ODsb 8000A has two drive options,
either via the preamplifier output termi-
nals or the loudspeaker output terminals
of the car stereo equipment. Preampli-
fier output terminals are connected to
cinch (RCA) jacks of the Woofer Box
via a shielded audio line. When using
the loudpeaker output terminals as drive
option, run the input leads 9 and :
ODsb_8000A.pmd 24.06.2005, 12:56 Uhr4

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