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en Customer service
4 Customer service
Cu s t o mer ser vi ce
If you are unable to rectify the fault,
please contact your customer service.
We will always find an appropriate
solution in order to avoid unnecessary
visits by engineers. Contact information
for your nearest customer service can
be found on the back of these
instructions for use or on the enclosed
customer service list. When calling,
please state the appliance number
(E-Nr. = 1) and the production number
(FD = 2) which can be found on the
rating plate 9: on the appliance door.
Trust the expertise of the
manufacturer. Contact us for
assistance. You can therefore be sure
that the repair is carried out by trained
service technicians who carry original
spare parts for your domestic
5 Installation and
Install ation an d connec t i on
The dishwasher must be connected
correctly, otherwise it will not function
properly. The specifications for the inlet
and outlet as well as the electrical
connected loads must correspond with
the required criteria as
specified in the following paragraphs
or in the installation instructions.
Install the appliance in the correct
1. Checking appliance on delivery
2. Installation
3. Drainage connection
4. Drinking water connection
5. Electrical connection
Contents of package
If you have any complaints, contact the
dealer from whom you purchased the
appliance or our customer services.
User manual
Installation instructions
Quick reference guide*
Installation materials
Steam guard plate*
Rubber apron*
Power cord
* depending on the features of your
Safety instructions
Please follow the safety instructions
under ~ "Installation" on page 6.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Blaupunkt 5VF730IA

Blaupunkt 5VF730IA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 56 pagina's

Blaupunkt 5VF730IA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 54 pagina's

Blaupunkt 5VF730IA Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 56 pagina's

Blaupunkt 5VF730IA Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 2 pagina's

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