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Fit a
Connect blue
to N (neutral)
Make sure that the
outer sheath of the
cable is held firmly
by the clamp
Fit the
Connect brown
to L (live)
240 volts AC only.
Never use a light
Mains plug replacement (UK only)
Should your mains plug need replacing and you are
competent to do this, proceed as instructed below.
If you are in doubt contact a Black & Decker service
centre or a qualified electrician.
Disconnect the plug from the power supply.
Cut off the plug and dispose of safely. A plug
with bared copper conductors is very dangerous
if engaged in a live socket outlet.
Only fit 13 amp BS1363A approved plugs fitted
with the correctly rated fuse.
The cable wire colours, or a letter, will be marked
at the connection points of most good quality
plugs. Attach the wires to their respective points
in the plug (see diagram). Brown is for ‘live’ (L)
and blue is for ‘neutral’ (N).
Before replacing the top cover of the mains plug
ensure that the cable restraint is holding the
outer sheath of the cable firmly and that the two
leads are correctly fixed at the terminal screws.
Warning! Never connect live or neutral wires
to the earth pin marked ‘E’ or .
Extension cables
You can use up to 100 feet (30 metres) of
Black & Decker 2-core extension cable without
undue loss of power.
Note: An extension cable should not be used unless
absolutely necessary. Use of an improper extension
cable could result in a risk of fire and electric shock.
If an extension cable must be used, make sure it is
properly wired and in good electrical condition.
Description (Fig. A)
1. Power pack
2. Power pack release button
3. Switch
4. Forward/reverse/lock lever
5. Two gear selector
6. Storage for bit and key (bit only on
keyless chuck models)
7. Clutch/hammer mechanism
(where applicable)
8. Keyed chuck
9. Keyless chuck
10. 1 hour charger
11. 3 hour charger
Charging the batteries (Fig. B1 & 2)
The batteries in your drill/driver are not
charged when supplied as new.
Before attempting to charge your drill,
read thoroughly all of the preceding and
following instructions!
To charge your drill, follow the steps below:
Put the forward/reverse lever in the
“OFF” (centre) position, and remove any
accessories from the chuck.
To release the battery, press the buttons
and pull the battery out (Fig. B1).
Plug the charger into a standard
electrical outlet.
Place the battery in the charger
as indicated (Fig. B2).
During charging, the charger and battery
may feel warm to touch; this is quite normal.
Allow the battery to remain in this
condition for at least 3-5 hours for a
3 hour charger or until the red light goes
out on a 1 hour charger. It will then be
ready for use.
Disconnect the supply before making or
breaking connections to the battery.
Important charging notes
Longest life and best performance can be
obtained if the energy pack is charged when the
air temperature is about 24°C. Do not charge the
energy pack in an air temperature below 5°C,
or above 35°C.
Whilst charging, the charger and the energy pack
may become warm to touch. This is a normal
condition and does not indicate a problem.
If the energy pack does not charge properly,
proceed as follows:
Check the current at the socket by plugging
in a lamp or other appliance.
Move the charger and power pack to a
location where the surrounding air
temperature is about 24˚C. In an extremely
warm environment the energy pack may be
too hot to permit charging.

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