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42 X32 DIGITAL MIXER Preliminary User Manual
7. 2 Home Screen
The home screen contains a high-level overview of the selected input or output
channel, and oers various adjustments not available through the dedicated
top-panel controls:
The home screen contains the following separate tabs:
1. Home: General signal path for the selected input or output channel
2. Cong: Allows selection of signal source/destination for the channel,
conguration of insert point, and other settings
3. Gate: Controls and displays the channel gate eect beyond those oered by
the dedicated top panel controls
4. Dynamics: Controls and displays the channel dynamics eect (compressor)
beyond those oered by the dedicated top panel controls
5. EQ: Controls and displays the channel equalizer eect beyond those oered
by the dedicated top panel controls
6. Sends: Controls and displays for channel sends, such as sends metering and
send muting
7. Main: Controls and displays for the selected channel’s output
7.2 .1 Home Screen: Home Tab
The home tab of the home screen displays a general signal path for the currently
selected input or output channel. It visually displays various parameters of the
input, gate, insert point, equalizer, dynamics, output path, and buses.
The home tab contains the following parameters (divided into two pages)
thatcan be adjusted using the six rotary-push encoders.
Page 1
1. Adjust the 1st encoder to control the input gain (trim) of the channel.
2. Tap the 1st encoder to link the channel with its adjacent channel.
3. Adjust the 2nd encoder to set the threshold of the channel noise gate.
4. Tap the 2nd encoder to toggle the channel noise gate in/out of the
5. Adjust the 3rd encoder to toggle the channel’s insert point between
pre-fader and post-fader status.
6. Tap the 3rd encoder to toggle the channel insert in/out of the signal path.
7. Adjust the 4th encoder to toggle the channel dynamics between pre-EQ and
post-EQ status.
8. Tap the 4th encoder to toggle the channel EQ in/out of the signal path.
9. Adjust the 5th encoder to set the threshold of the channel compressor.
10. Tap the 5th encoder to toggle the channel compressor in/out of the
11. Adjust the 6th encoder to pan the selected channel within the main
12. Tap the 6th encoder to assign the selected channel to the main
Page 2
1. Adjust the 1st encoder to select the console channel currently controlled by
the home screen.
2. Tap the 1st encoder to toggle +48V phantom power on/o for the currently
selected input.
3. Tap the 2nd encoder to toggle phase ip on/o for the currently
4. Adjust the 3rd encoder to select which of the 8 DCA groups the currently
selected channel will be assigned to.
5. Tap the 3rd encoder to assign the currently selected channel to the selected
DCA group.
6. Adjust the 4th encoder to select which of the 6 mute groups to assign the
currently selected channel to.
7. Tap the 4th encoder to assign the currently selected channel to the selected
mute group.
8. Tap the 5th encoder to toggles solo on/o for the currently selected channel.
9. Adjust the 6th encoder to adjust the fader level for the currently
10. Tap the 6th encoder to toggle mute on/o for the currently selected channel.

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