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25 X32 DIGITAL MIXER Preliminary User Manual
Delay + Chorus
This combination eect merges a user-denable Delay (echo) with a studio-
quality Chorus sure to fatten up even the “skinniest” track. Uses only one FX slot.
(Inspired by the TC Electronic D-Two)
The TIME knob adjusts the delay time, and the PATTERN knob sets the delay ratio
for the right channel and negative values activate a cross feedback between
the two channels. The FEEDHC knob adjusts the delay high-cut frequency,
whilethe FEEDBACK knob adjusts the number of repeats. The X-FEED knob allows
you to send the delay sound to the chorus eect. The BALANCE knob adjusts
the ratio between delay and chorus. SPEED, DELAY and DEPTH adjust the rate,
delay,andmodulation depth of the chorus. The right channel LFO PHASE can be
oset by up to 180 degrees, and WAVE adjusts the chorus character by shaping
the LFO waveform from sine wave to triangular wave. Use the MIX knob to blend
the eected signal with the “dry” sound.
Delay + Flanger
This handy dynamic duo blends the “woosh” of soaring jet planes with classic
Delay, and can be adjusted from mild to wild. This combination eect only takes
up one FX slot. (Inspired by the TC Electronic D-Two)
The TIME knob adjusts the delay time, and the PATTERN knob sets the delay ratio
for the right channel and negative values activate a cross feedback between
the two channels. The FEEDHC knob adjusts the delay high-cut frequency,
whilethe FEEDBACK knob adjusts the number of repeats. The X-FEED knob
allows you to send the delay sound to the anger eect. The BALANCE knob
adjusts the ratio between delay and anger. SPEED, DELAY and DEPTH adjust the
rate, delay, andmodulation depth of the anger. The right channel LFO PHASE
can be oset by up to 180 degrees, and FEED (positive and negative amounts)
adjuststhe feedback eect. Use the MIX knob to blend the eected signal with
the “dry”sound.
Dual / Stereo GEQ
These are standard graphic equalizers that provide 31 bands of adjustment
between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. A master volume slider compensates for changes in
volume caused by the equalization. A maximum boost or cut of 15 dB is available
for each band.
Dual / Stereo TruEQ
The TruEQ incorporates a special algorithm that compensates for the gain
adjustment overlapping eect that adjacent frequency bands have on one
another. On a standard EQ, when neighboring bands are boosted together,
theresulting eect is magnied beyond what is visible from the positioning of
Graphic equalizer without frequency response correction.
This compensated EQ will produce an adjustment that is identical to the actual
positioning of the sliders.
Graphic equalizer with frequency response correction.

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Behringer X32 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch, English, Français, Português, Espanõl - 28 pagina's

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