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If a different type of gas to the
type shown on the rating plate
and on the orange sticker
affixed to the top of the
cooktop is used, the cooktop
must be converted to work
with the new gas type. Remove
the orange sticker and affix it
to the instructions booklet,
which must be retained for the
lifetime of the appliance.
Use pressure regulators
suitable for the gas
pressures indicated in the
separate Product
Description Sheet.
The gas nozzles must be
changed by After Sales
Service or a qualified
technician. Nozzles not
supplied with the
appliance must be ordered
from After Sales Service.
Connect the cooktop to
the gas shut-off valve by
means of a pipe suitable
for the type of gas used, in
compliance with current
local regulations.
Adjust the minimum
setting of the taps.
: when liquid petroleum
gas is used (G30/G31), the
minimum gas setting screws
must be tightened as far as
they will go.
Replacing the injectors
(see table in the enclosed
Product Description Sheet)
Remove grids
Extract burners
Using a socket spanner of
the appropriate size,
unscrew the injector to be
Replace it with the injector
suitable for the new type
of gas.
Re-assemble the injector
For models equipped with
a triple crown burner,
proceed as shown in figure.
Remove the two screws
followed by the cap
then replace both
previously described.
Replace the cap
ensuring the seal is
properly positioned
before attempting to
use the cooktop.
Before installing the cooktop,
remember to affix the gas
calibration plate supplied
with the injectors in such a
way that it covers the existing
information relating to gas
Adjusting minimum
gas setting of taps
To ensure that the
minimum setting is correctly
adjusted, remove knob
and proceed as follows:
tighten (-) to reduce the
height of the flame;
loosen (+) to increase the
height of the flame;
The adjustment must be
performed with the tap in
minimum gas setting position
(small flame) .
Upon completion of
adjustment, reseal using sealing
wax or an equivalent material.
The primary air of the
burners does not need to
be adjusted.
After the adjustment of
the minimum gas setting,
light up the burners and
turn the knobs from max.
position to min.
position to check the
stability of the flame.
4gb61591b.fm5 Page 21 Friday, April 11, 2003 12:50 PM

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