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Before using the cooktop
These instructions are only
valid for those Countries
where the destination
abbreviations are
mentioned on the rear cover
of the user instructions and
on the appliance.
To get full satisfaction of
your cooktop, please
read these instructions
carefully and keep them
for future consultation.
Keep the packaging
material (plastic bags,
polystyrene parts, etc.) out
of the reach of children, as
they are potentially
Check whether the cooktop
has been damaged during
Ensure that the
installation and
connections are
performed by a qualified
technician, following the
instructions and in
compliance with current
local safety regulations.
Suggestions for environment protection
1. Packaging
The packaging material is
entirely recyclable, and is
marked with the recycling
symbol , which identifies it
as a type of material that must
be sent to local waste-disposal
2. Product
The cooktop is made out of
recyclable material. When
scrapping it, comply with local
waste-disposal regulations.
Before disposing of it, cut its
power cable off in order to
render it inoperative.
Precautions and general advice
Before any cleaning or
maintenance operation,
disconnect the cooktop
from mains power
The use of a gas
appliance produces heat
and humidity in the
room. Ensure that the
room is well ventilated,
or install an extractor
hood with exhaust duct.
In case of prolonged use,
additional ventilation
may be needed (opening
a window or increasing
the extraction force of
the hood).
Keep children away from
the cooktop when it is in
use and when its has just
been switched off.
After use, ensure that
the knobs are in position
(off), and close the
main gas delivery valve
or the gas cylinder valve.
Caution: the lid (where
present) might break if
overheated. Before
closing it, make sure that
all the burners are off.
Warning: The protective
rubber feet on the
panstand grids represent
a choking hazard for
young children.
After cleaning the
panstand grids, please
ensure that all the
rubber feet are correctly
of conformity
This cooktop has been
designed, constructed
and marketed in
compliance with:
- safety requirements of
EEC Directive “Gas”
- safety requirements of
EEC Directive “Low
voltage” 73/23;
- protection
requirements of EEC
Directive “EMC” 89/336;
- requirements of EEC
Directive 93/68.
This cooktop is suitable
for contact with
foodstuffs, and complies
with EEC Directive 89/
This cooktop (Class 3) has
been designed to be used
only for cooking. Any
other use (such as heating
a room) is improper and
4gb61591b.fm5 Page 14 Friday, April 11, 2003 12:50 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht tge 5400 sw

Bauknecht tge 5400 sw Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht tge 5400 sw Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht tge 5400 sw Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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