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Only use detergents recommended for use in domestic dishwashers.
Only fill the detergent dispenser prior to starting a wash
(see the Quick Reference Guide).
Press button
to open the cover.
2. How to fill the detergent dispenser.
Programmes with pre-rinse:
Powder and/or liquid detergent:
pour two thirds of the recommended dosage into the
pour one third into the
place a tablet in the
) and/or follow the
directions on the detergent pack.
Programmes without pre-rinse:
Powder and/or liquid detergent, tablets:
pour the entire recommended dosage into the
compartment (A)
For programmes with additional “Half load/Multizone” function
selected (if provided):
When using powder or liquid detergent the dosage can be
reduced by 1/3.
Close the cover.
Use good quality liquid or powder dishwasher detergents and/or
tablets (
do not use hand dishwashing detergents
On some models the type of detergent used can be selected (
Selector on the inside of the door (on the left).
If, on the other hand, you are using a normal powder detergent, check
the levels of regeneration salt and rinse aid, topping up as required.
In order to safeguard the environment, follow the manufacturer’s
directions for use. Do not use more than the amount of detergent that
is recommended. Observe the manufacturer’s safety warnings.
Keep these products out of reach of children.
If you use detergents in tablet form, follow the manufacturer’s
directions for use.
If you use multi-action dishwasher detergents that incorporate rinse
aid and regeneration salt, follow the directions below:
products that incorporate the rinse aid enhance the detergent
action only with some programmes.
products that make the use of regeneration salt unnecessary (3
in 1 / 4 in 1) are only suitable for use with water up to hardness
level 3.
For water with a higher hardness level, regeneration salt must
be added too.
To activate the salt level indicator, selcet position 2 in 1.
Read the product user instructions carefully. If in doubt, contact the
detergent manufacturer.
The guarantee is not applicable if faults are caused by the use of these
•Position E
- for one component detergents: gel, tablets,
•Position F
- for two component detergents (with rinse
aid - 2 in 1);
•Position G
- for three or four component detergents
(with rinse aid and salt - 3 in 1; 4 in 1).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - English - 4 pagina's

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