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1. Packing:
The packing box may be fully recycled as
confirmed by the recycling symbol .
2. Energy and water saving tips:
Do not rinse crockery under running water.
Always fully load the dishwasher before switching
on or set the wash programme to half load/
Multizone (if available) if
rack only is loaded.
If ecological energy sources are available such as solar
panel heating, heat pumps or centralised heating
systems, the appliance may be connected to the hot
water mains up to a maximum temperature of 60°C.
Make sure the water inlet hose is of the correct type.
Refer to the “Connections” chapter in these user
3. Disposal:
The appliance is built from reusable materials. If
you decide to scrap the dishwasher, it must be
disposed of in compliance with local waste disposal
Before scrapping, cut off the power cable so that
the appliance cannot be connected to the mains.
To prevent situations of potential danger to
children (e.g. danger of suffocation), break the lock
of the door so that it can no longer be closed.
4. Child safety:
Children must not be allowed to play with the
Store the detergent, rinse aid and salt in a dry place
out of the reach of children.
5. Safety warnings:
The open dishwasher door can only support the
weight of the loaded rack when pulled out. Do not
rest objects on the open door or sit or stand on it:
the appliance may topple over!
Do not use solvents inside the dishwasher:
risk of
Sharp knives and forks that might cause injury must
be placed in the cutlery basket with the sharp end
facing downwards.
Long-handled utensils must be arranged
horizontally in the upper rack, with the sharp end
facing away from the front of the appliance.
Before cleaning or carrying out maintenance,
switch off the appliance, disconnect the mains plug
and turn off the water tap.
If a fault occurs, switch off the appliance and turn off
the water tap.
On completion of the programme switch off the
dishwasher and turn off the water tap.
Repairs and technical modifications must be carried
out exclusively by a qualified technician.
The water in the dishwasher is not potable.
Do not store inflammable liquids near the
Do not operate the appliance in the open air.
6. Resistance to frost
If the appliance is placed in surroundings exposed
to the risk of frost, it must be drained completely.
Turn off the water tap, remove the flexible inlet
and outlet hoses, and let all the water run out.
7. For appliances with water stop system:
The water inlet hose and plastic casing contain
electrical components. Do not therefore cut the
hose or immerse the plastic casing in water. If the
hose is damaged switch off the appliance
8. The appliance must be used at temperatures
between 5°C and 45°C.
This appliance is marked according to the
European directive 2002/96/EC on Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly,
you will help prevent potential negative
consequences for the environment and human
health, which could otherwise be caused by
inappropriate waste handling of this product.
The symbol on the product, or on the
documents accompanying the product, indicates
that this appliance may not be treated as household
waste. Instead it shall be handed over to the
applicable collection point for the recycling of
electrical and electronic equipment.
Disposal must be carried out in accordance with
local environmental regulations for waste disposal.
For more detailed information about treatment,
recovery and recycling of this product, please
contact your local city office, your household
waste disposal service or the shop where you
purchased the product.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSIP 6127 AL Snelstart handleiding - English - 4 pagina's

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