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Examples of good pot placement and bad pot placement :
IMPORTANT: Do not use abrasive sponges or scouring pads. Their use could eventually ruin the glass.
After each use, clean the hob (when it is cool) to remove any deposits and stains due to food residuals.
Sugar or foods with a high sugar content damage the hob and must be immediately removed.
Salt, sugar and sand could scratch the glass surface.
Use a soft cloth, absorbent kitchen paper or a specific hob cleaner (follow the Manufacturers instructions).
Read and follow the instructions given in the section “Instructions for use”.
Check that the electricity supply has not been shut off.
Dry the hob thoroughly after cleaning it.
If, when the hob is switched on, alphanumeric codes appear on the display, consult the following table for instructions.
If the hob cannot be switched off after using it, disconnect it from the power supply.
Induction hobs can make whistling or crackling sounds during normal operation, these actually come from the pots and pans as a result of the characteristics of the
bottoms (for example, bottoms made of several layers of material, or uneven bottoms). These noises vary depending on the pots and pans used and the amount of food
they contain, and are not indicative of a defect of any kind.
In addition, the induction hob is equipped with an internal cooling system to control the temperature of electronic parts; as a result, during operation and for several
minutes after the hob has been switched off, the noise of the cooling fan will be audible. This is perfectly normal and indeed essential for proper functioning of the
- Do not use steam cleaners.
- Before cleaning, make sure the cooking zones are switched off and that the residual heat indicator (“H”)
is not displayed.
C81, C82
The control panel switches off
because of excessively high
The internal temperature of
electronic parts is too high
Wait for the hob to cool down
before using it again.
F42 or F43 The connection voltage is wrong
The sensor detects a discrepancy
between the appliance voltage and
that of the mains supply
Disconnect the hob from the
mains and check the electrical
F12, F21, F25, F36, F37, F40, F47, F56, F58, F60 Call the After-Sales Service and specify the error code

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  • Mijn bauwknecht esio 6740 in
    Heeft een soort foutcode de 4 inductie platen lampjes knipperen van F4-F7
    Alle 4 de indicaties tegelijk
    Stroom is er heel de nacht af geweest maar storing komt gelijk weer terug Gesteld op 19-2-2023 om 14:16

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht ESIF 6740

Bauknecht ESIF 6740 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Bauknecht ESIF 6740 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 11 pagina's

Bauknecht ESIF 6740 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 11 pagina's

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