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Problem Possible cause Solution
The oven is not working.
Power cut.
Disconnection from the
Check for the presence of mains electrical power
and whether the oven is connected to the
electricity supply.
Turn off the oven and restart it to see if the fault
The display shows the letter “F
followed by a number.
Software problem. Contact you nearest Client After-sales Service
Centre and state the number following the letter
Download the Use and Care Guide from
docs. bauknecht. eu for more information
1. To remove the door, open it fully and lower the
catches until they are in the unlock position.
2. Close the door as much as you can.
Take a firm hold of the door with both hands – do not
hold it by the handle.
Simply remove the door by continuing to close it
while pulling it upwards at the same time until it is
released from its seating. Put the door to one side,
resting it on a soft surface.
3. Refit the door by moving it towards the oven,
aligning the hooks of the hinges with their seating
and securing the upper part onto its seating.
4. Lower the door and then open it fully.
Lower the catches into their original position: Make
sure that you lower them down completely.
Apply gentle pressure to check that the catches are in
the correct position.
5. Try closing the door and check to make sure that it
lines up with the control panel. If it does not, repeat
the steps above: The door could become damaged if
it does not work properly.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 32 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 32 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Snelstart handleiding - Français - 12 pagina's

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