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Clean the surfaces with a damp microfibre cloth.
If they are very dirty, add a few drops of pH-neutral
detergent. Finish off with a dry cloth.
Do not use corrosive or abrasive detergents. If any of
these products inadvertently comes into contact with
the surfaces of the appliance, clean immediately with
a damp microfibre cloth.
After every use, leave the oven to cool and then
clean it, preferably while it is still warm, to remove
any deposits or stains caused by food residues. To
dry any condensation that has formed as a result of
cooking foods with a high water content, leave the
oven to cool completely and then wipe it with a cloth
or sponge.
Clean the glass in the door with a suitable liquid
The oven door can be removed to facilitate cleaning.
The top heating element of the grill can be lowered
to clean the upper panel of the oven.
Soak the accessories in a washing-up liquid solution
after use, handling them with oven gloves if they
are still hot. Food residues can be removed using a
washing-up brush or a sponge.
Make sure that the oven has
cooled down before carrying out
any maintenance or cleaning.
Do not use steam cleaners.
Do not use wire wool, abrasive
scourers or abrasive/corrosive
cleaning agents, as these could
damage the surfaces of the
Wear protective gloves.
The oven must be disconnected
from the mains before carrying
out any kind of maintenance
1. Disconnect the oven from the power supply.
2.. Unscrew the cover from the light, replace the bulb
and screw the cover back on the light.
3. Reconnect the oven to the power supply.
Please note: Only use 25-40W/230V type E-14, T300°C
incandescent lamps, or 20-40W/230 V type G9, T300°C
halogen lamps. The bulb used in the product is specically
designed for domestic appliances and is not suitable for
general room lighting within the home (EC Regulation
244/2009). Light bulbs are available from our After-sales
- If using halogen bulbs, do not handle them with your bare
hands as your ngerprints could cause damage. Do not use
the oven until the light cover has been retted.
Download the Use and Care Guide from
docs. bauknecht. eu for more information
1. Remove the lateral shelf guides.
2. Pull the heating element out a little and lower it.
3. To reposition the heating element, lift it up, pulling
it slightly towards you, making sure it comes to rest
on the lateral supports.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 32 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 32 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 32 pagina's

Bauknecht BIR6 EH8VS2 ES Snelstart handleiding - Français - 12 pagina's

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