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OPTIONS can be selected directly by pressing the corresponding
button (see CONTROL PANEL).
If there are not many dishes to be washed, a half loading
may be used in order to save water, electricity and
Select the program and then press the MULTIZONE
button: the indicator over the button lights up and the
symbol of the chosen rack will appear on the display. By
default the appliance washes dishes in all racks.
To wash only the specific rack, press this button
shown on the display (only lower rack)
shown on the display (only upper rack)
shown on the display (option is OFF and the appliance will
wash dishes in all racks).
Remember to load the upper or lower rack only, and
to reduce the amount of detergent accordingly.
This option can be used to reduce the duration of the
main programs while maintaining the same washing
performance levels.
After selecting the program, press the TURBO button and
the indicator light will switch on. To deselect the option,
press the same button again.
A long press (for 3 seconds) of TURBO button, will
activate the KEYLOCK function. The KEYLOCK function
will block the control panel except the ON/OFF button.
To deactivate the KEYLOCK, long press again.
To improve the drying of the dishes, after selecting the
program, press the EXTRA DRY button and the indicator
light comes on.
A higher temperature during the final rinse and an
extended drying phase allow for improving drying. To
deselect the option, press the same button again. The
EXTRA DRY option results in the lengthening of the wash
This setting allows you to optimize the performance of
the program according to the type of detergent used.
Press the TABLET button (the indicator light will light up,
the corresponding symbol will light up) if you use
combined detergents in tablet form (rinse aid, salt and
detergent in 1 dose).
If you use powder or liquid detergent, this option
should be off.
The start of the program may be delayed for a period of
time between 0:30 and 24 hours.
1.Select the program and any desired options. Press the
DELAY button (repeatedly) to delay the start of the
program. Adjustable from 0:30 to 24 hours. With each
press of the button, the delay start increases by: 0:30 if
selection below 4 hours, 1:00 if selection is below 12
hours, 4 hours if selection is above 12 hours. If 24 hours
reached, and the button is pressed, the delayed start is
2. Press the START/PAUSE button: the timer will begin
counting down;
3. Once this time has elapsed, the indicator light switches
off and the program begins automatically.
If at the time of the countdown the START/PAUSE button
is pressed again the DELAY option is cancelled and the
selected program starts automatically.
The DELAY function cannot be set once a program
has been started.
Flashes when there is no inlet water or water tap is closed.
To stop and cancel the active cycle, the Drain Out
function can be used.
A long press of START/PAUSE button, will activate the
DRAIN OUT function. The active program will be stopped
and the water in the dishwasher will be drained out.
If an option is not compatible with the selected program see
PROGRAMS TABLE, the corresponding LED flashes rapidly 3 times
and beeps will sound. The option will not be enabled.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Ik heb een Bauknecht vaatwasser BFO3T332A gekocht in augustus. Het wasresultaat is goed, maar het droogresultaat niet. Ik gebruik FINISH Powerball tabletten . Bij mijn vorige vaatwasser had ik geen problemen. Nu heb ik al meerdere programma's geprobeerd, ook "extra drogen", maar het droogresultaat is nooit optimaal. De borden zijn droog, maar vooral het bestek en plastic potjes zijn niet droog. Dit is geen goedkoop toestel, dus ik verwacht een prima resultaat. Hoe kan dit opgelost worden ? Gesteld op 27-9-2020 om 11:11

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Ik heb precies hetzelfde probleem ,Wassen prima , drogen waardeloos. Wie weet de oplossing of welk programma doet het het beste? Geantwoord op 12-3-2021 om 10:54

      Waardeer dit antwoord (1) Misbruik melden
    • U moet een glansmiddel toevoegen, dan is probleem opgelost. Bauknecht vertelde me dat dat zo is met de nieuwe machines, ook al gebruik je 3 in 1 tabletten! Geantwoord op 12-3-2021 om 10:59

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BFO3T332

Bauknecht BFO3T332 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BFO3T332 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht BFO3T332 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 8 pagina's

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