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If you experience any problems, please call the Helpline on Freephone 0800 218 2182* or visit www.bt.com/producthelp
Technical information
How many telephones can I have?
All items of telephone equipment have a Ringer Equivalence Number (REN), which is used to
calculate the number of items which may be connected to any one telephone line. Your BT Diverse
7450 Plus has a REN of 1. A total REN of 4 is allowed. If the total REN of 4 is exceeded, the
telephones may not ring. With different telephone types there is no guarantee of ringing, even when
the REN is less than 4. Any additional handsets and chargers that you register have a REN of 0.
This product is intended for use within the UK for connection to the public telephone network and
compatible switchboards.
This equipment complies with the essential requirements for the Radio Equipment and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 1999/5/EC.
Declaration of Conformance
Hereby, BT declares that this BT Diverse 7450 Plus is in compliance with the essential requirements
and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
If you would like a copy of the Declaration of Conformance, please visit www.bt.com/producthelp.
Connecting to a switchboard
This product is intended for use within the UK for connection to the public telephone network and
compatible switchboards, which support tone and pulse dialling and timed break or earth recall.
If in doubt please consult your service provider.
Inserting a pause
With some switchboards, after dialling the access code you may have to wait for a moment while the
switchboard picks up an outside line so you will need to enter a pause in the dialing sequence.
Press and hold
to insert a pause (P) before entering the telephone number.
You may also need to enter a pause when storing international numbers or charge card numbers.
You may need to use the recall function if you are connected to a switchboard/PBX (Private Branch
Exchange), contact your PBX supplier for further information. The recall function is set to timed break
recall by default and is also used for BT Calling Feature.

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Andere handleiding(en) van BT Diverse 7450 Plus

BT Diverse 7450 Plus Snelstart handleiding - English - 2 pagina's

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