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User Guide
BT Diverse 7450 Plus
Offices worldwide
The services described in this publication are subject to availability and may be
modified from time to time. Services and equipment are supplied subject to
British Telecommunications plc’s respective standard conditions of contract.
Nothing in this publication forms any part of a contract.
© British Telecommunications plc 2011.
Registered Office: 81 Newgate Street, London EC1A 7AJ.
Registered in England No. 1800000.
Designed and produced by The Art & Design Partnership Ltd.
Printed in China / Issue 1 / ADP01-11
1 Plug in
2 Charge
3 Go!
General information
For information on safety instructions,
cleaning, technical information or
connecting to a switchboard, please
refer to the ‘General Information
section in the full user guide at
Your BT Diverse 7450 Plus is guaranteed for a period
of 12 months from the date of purchase.
Subject to the terms listed below, the guarantee
will provide for the repair of, or at BT’s or its agent’s
discretion the option to replace the BT Diverse 7450
Plus, or any component thereof, (other than batteries),
which is identified as faulty or below standard, or as a
result of inferior workmanship or materials. Products
over 28 days old from the date of purchase may be
replaced with a refurbished or repaired product.
The conditions of this guarantee are:
The guarantee shall only apply to defects that
occur within the 12 month guarantee period.
Proof of purchase is required.
The equipment is returned to BT or its agent
as instructed.
This guarantee does not cover any faults or defects
caused by accidents, misuse, fair wear and tear,
neglect, tampering with the equipment, or any
attempt at adjustment or repair other than through
approved agents.
This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights.
For further information within and outside the 12
month guarantee, please refer to the full user guide at
Product disposal instructions
The symbol shown here and on the product
means that the product is classed as Electrical or
Electronic Equipment and should not be disposed with
other household or commercial waste at the end of its
working life.
The Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment
(WEEE) Directive (2002/96/EC) has been put in place
to recycle products using best available recovery and
recycling techniques to minimise the impact on the
environment, treat any hazardous substances and
avoid the increasing landfill.
Product disposal instructions for residential users
When you have no further use for it, please remove
any batteries and dispose of them and the product as
per your local authority’s recycling processes. For more
information please contact your local authority or the
retailer where the product was purchased.
Product disposal instructions for business users
Business users should contact their suppliers and check
the terms and conditions of the purchase contract
and ensure that this product is not mixed with other
commercial waste for disposal.
This equipment is not designed for making
emergency telephone calls when the power fails.
Alternative arrangements should be made for
access to emergency services.
R&TTE Directive & Declaration
of Conformity
This product is intended for use within the UK for
connection to the public telephone network and
compatible switchboards.
This equipment complies with the essential
requirements for the Radio Equipment and
Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive
For a copy of the Declaration of Conformity
please refer to www.bt.com/producthelp
Setting up is easy. Just follow the simple steps in this guide.
If you need further assistance, please visit our website www.bt.com/producthelp
to view our advanced user guide or call our helpdesk on 0800 218 2182*
2 Charge
1 Remove the protective film from the
handset screen and activate the batteries
by pulling the plastic tab away from the
back of the handset.
2 Place the handset on the base to charge.
3 After 24 hours, plug the telephone line
cord into the telephone wall socket.
Important: Charge the handset batteries for 24 hours
or your phone may not work.
Set time and date
Providing you have subscribed to your network’s Caller Display service the date and
time is set automatically when you receive your first call. To set the date and time
manually follow the procedure below:
Press the right soft key
) and scroll
, press the right
soft key
is highlighted, press
is highlighted, press
or to choose
and press
and press
. Scroll or to choose
and press
and press
. Enter the time using the keypad as either the
24 or 12 hour format (previously selected) e.g. 17:30 or 05:30 for 5.30pm. If 12 hour
was chosen, press or to select
and press
and press
. Enter the date, e.g. 09.04.2011 for 9 April 2011.
Your BT Diverse 7450 Plus is now ready for use.
Important: Only use the power adaptor, cables and rechargeable batteries
supplied in this box or this product may not work. Any replacement rechargeable
batteries must be of the same type and are available from the BT Diverse Plus
Helpline. BT accepts no responsibilty for damage caused to your BT Diverse 7450
Plus by using any other type of batteries.
Check box contents
Power adaptor
(item code 048611)
Telephone line cord
1 Plug in
* Calls made from within the UK mainland network are free. Mobile and International call costs may vary.
BT &
Working together, supporting energy saving products
BT & British Gas have joined forces to help our customers find new ways to save energy
around the home, so we can all do our bit for the environment & save money too!
2x AAA NiMH 600mAh
rechargeable batteries
(already in handset)
Rechargeable batteries
already fitted
Remove this tab
and charge batteries
for 24 hours before use.
If you ever need to remove the batteries, simply slide open the battery compartment
cover and using the finger holes grip the batteries and pull them out.
Base plinth
(already attached)
1 The telephone line cord
is pre-installed but don’t
plug the other end into
the wall socket yet.
2 Plug in the power adaptor
with the blue end
(item code 048611).
3 Plug the other end of the
power adaptor into the
wall socket and switch on.
BT Diverse Plus
1 2

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Andere handleiding(en) van BT Diverse 7450 Plus

BT Diverse 7450 Plus Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 61 pagina's

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