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74 / EN
Washing Machine / User’s Manual
6 Technical specifications
Complying Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 1061/2010
Supplier name or trademark Beko
Model name WMY 71432 LMB3
Rated capacity (kg) 7
Energy efficiency class / Scale from A+++ (Highest Efficiency) to D (Lowest Efficiency) A++
Annual Energy Consumption (kWh)
Energy consumption of the standard 60°C cotton programme at full load (kWh) 1.001
Energy consumption of the standard 60°C cotton programme at partial load (kWh) 0.767
Energy consumption of the standard 40°C cotton programme at partial load (kWh) 0.747
Power consumption in ‘off-mode’ (W) 0.250
Power consumption in ‘left-on mode’ (W) 1.000
Annual Water Consumption (l)
Spin-drying efficiency class / Scale from A (Highest Efficiency) to G (Lowest Efficiency) B
Maximum spin speed (rpm) 1400
Remaining moisture Content (%) 53
Standard cotton programme
Cotton Eco 60°C and 40°C
Programme time of the standard 60°C cotton programme at full load (min) 176
Programme time of the standard 60°C cotton programme at partial load (min) 151
Programme time of the standard 40°C cotton programme at partial load (min) 151
Duration of the left-on mode (min) N/A
Airborne acoustical noise emissions washing/spinning (dB) 58/76
Built-in No
Rated capacity (kg)
Height (cm) 84
Width (cm) 60
Depth (cm) 54
Net weight (±4 kg.) 74
Single Water inlet / Double Water inlet
• / -
• Available
Electrical input (V/Hz) 230 V / 50Hz
Total current (A) 10
Total power (W) 2200
Main model code 9210
Energy Consumption based on 220 standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60°C and 40°C at full and partial load, and the consumption of
the low-power modes. Actual energy consumption will depend on how the appliance is used.
Water consumption based on 220 standard washing cycles for cotton programmes at 60°C and 40°C at full and partial load. Actual water consumption
will depend on how the appliance is used.
“Standard 60°C cotton programme” and the “standard 40°C cotton programme” are the standard washing programmes to which the information in the
label and the fiche relates and these programmes are suitable to clean normally soiled cotton laundry and that they are the most efficient programmes in
terms of combined energy and water consumption.
Technical specifications may be changed without prior notice to improve the quality of the product.

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