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Washing Machine / User’s Manual
4 Replace the gaskets and filters carefully in their places
and tighten the hose nuts by hand.
5.5 Draining remaining water and cleaning the
pump filter
The filter system in your machine prevents solid items
such as buttons, coins and fabric fibers clogging the pump
impeller during discharge of washing water. Thus, the water
will be discharged without any problem and the service life
of the pump will extend.
If the machine fails to drain water, the pump filter is clogged.
Filter must be cleaned whenever it is clogged or in every 3
months. Water must be drained off first to clean the pump
In addition, prior to transporting the machine (e.g., when
moving to another house) and in case of freezing of the
water, water may have to be drained completely.
WARNING: Foreign substances left in the pump
filter may damage your machine or may cause noise
WARNING: If the product is not in use, turn the tap
off, detach the supply hose and drain the water inside
the machine against any freezing possibility in the
region of installation.
WARNING: After each use close the supply hose tap
of the product.
In order to clean the dirty filter and discharge the
1 Unplug the machine to cut off the supply power.
WARNING: Temperature of the water inside the
machine may rise up to 90 ºC. To avoid burning risk,
clean the filter after the water in the machine cools
2 Open the filter cap.
3 Some of our products have emergency draining hose and
some does not have. Follow the steps below to discharge
the water.
Discharging the water when the product has an
emergency draining hose:
a Pull the emergency draining hose out from its seat
b Place a large container at the end of the hose. Drain the
water into the container by pulling out the plug at the end
of the hose. When the container is full, block the inlet
of the hose by replacing the plug. After the container is
emptied, repeat the above procedure to drain the water in
the machine completely.
c When draining of water is finished, close the end by the
plug again and fix the hose in its place.
d Turn the pump filter to take it out.
Discharging the water when the product does not
have an emergency draining hose:
a Place a large container in front of the filter to catch water
from the filter.
b Loosen pump filter (anticlockwise) until water starts to
flow. Fill the flowing water into the container you have
placed in front of the filter. Always keep a piece of cloth
handy to absorb any spilled water.
c When the water inside the machine is finished, take out
the filter completely by turning it.
4 Clean any residues inside the filter as well as fibers, if
any, around the pump impeller region.
5 Install the filter.
6 If the filter cap is composed of two pieces, close the filter
cap by pressing on the tab. If it is one piece, seat the tabs
in the lower part into their places first, and then press the
upper part to close.

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