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Programme Table
Programme number
1 Reference* 2 3 4
Programme name
Cleaning temperature
Degree of Soiling Most economical washing program for
the medium soiled daily dishes that are
kept waiting.
Suitable for removing the remnants
on the soiled dishes that will be kept
waiting in the machine for a few
days, and thus, for preventing the
bad odor buildup.
Daily washing program at which the medium
soiled dishes that are kept waiting are
cleaned in the fastest way.
Suitable for heavily soiled dishes, pots
and pans.
Medium - Medium High
A=25 cm³/15 cm³ B=5 cm³
A+B - A+B A+B
Programme sequence
(without options)
Cold rinse
Hot Rinse
Cold rinse
Hot Rinse
Cold rinse
Hot Rinse
Duration (min)
165 14 58 115
Water (I)
14 4,2 11,8 17,5
Energy (kWh)
1,02 - 1,32 1,67
The consumption values shown in the table were determined under standard conditions. Differences may therefore occur under practical conditions.
* Reference programme for testing institutes The tests in accordance with EN 50242 must be carried out with a full water softener salt dispenser and a full rinse aid reservoir, and using the test programme.
! Attention: Please read the operating manual prior to operating the machine for the first time.
Starting your machine
• Open the tap.
• Plug in to the socket.
• Open the door of the dishwasher.
• Place the dishes in accordance with the instructions in the
user manual.
• Make sure that the upper and lower impellers rotate freely.
• Put sufficient amount of detergent in the detergent dispenser
and close its lid.
• Make sure that indicators on programme display are
illuminated by pressing On / Off key.
• Check if the Salt and Rinse Aid indicators light and add salt
and / or rinse aid if needed.
Since different salt brands in the market have different
particle sizes and since the water hardness may vary,
dissolution of the salt in water may take a couple of hours.
Therefore, Salt Indicator remains on for a while after adding
salt into the machine.
• You may use Half Load / Tablet Detergent Key and Time
Delay key features as necessary.
• Refer to "Table of Programme Data and Average Consumption
Values" to select a suitable programme.
• Select the desired programme with Programme Selection key.
• Press Start / Pause / Cancel key to start the programme.
Pay attention not to open the door of the machine when it is
running. If you need to open the door, safety system will stop
your machine. There may be a rush of vapour when you open
the door of your machine; be careful. The programme will
resume running when you close the door.
• When the programme you have selected comes to an end, an
audible warning signal with intervals of 8 seconds will warn you
to turn off your machine. This audible signal will warn you 10
times before it turns off.
• Open the door of the dishwasher.
• Press On / Off key to turn off your machine.
• Indicator lights on the programme display will turn off.
• Close the tap.
• Unplug the machine from the socket.
Leave your dishes in the machine for about 15 minutes after
they are washed in order to have them cooled down.
60°C 70°C
Pre-wash Quick&Clean Intensive
Half Load / Tablet
Detergent Key
Programme Selection Key
Programme Indicator
Half Load Indicator
Tablet Detergent Indicator
Salt Indicator
On / Off Key
Start / Pause / Cancel
Rinse Aid indicator
Time Delay Indicator
Start / Pause / Cancel Key
Time Delay Key

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Andere handleiding(en) van BEKO DIN 4420

BEKO DIN 4420 Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

BEKO DIN 4420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 35 pagina's

BEKO DIN 4420 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 2 pagina's

BEKO DIN 4420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 35 pagina's

BEKO DIN 4420 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 35 pagina's

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