Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Edition 1
....................................................................................................................................... - 1 -
Important information............................................................................................................... - 1 -
Cleaning instructions ................................................................................................................. - 1 -
Setup ............................................................................................................................................ - 2 -
Display elements and controls................................................................................................... - 2 -
Settings ........................................................................................................................................ - 3 -
Time setting ............................................................................................................................ - 3 -
Date setting ............................................................................................................................. - 3 -
Power reserve.............................................................................................................................. - 4 -
Strap shortening ......................................................................................................................... - 4 -
Warranty...................................................................................................................................... - 5 -
Water resistance ......................................................................................................................... - 5 -
.................................................................................................................................................. - 6 -
Avisos importantes..................................................................................................................... - 6 -
Aviso de limpeza ......................................................................................................................... - 6 -
Funcionamento ........................................................................................................................... - 7 -
Indicadores e elementos de uso................................................................................................. - 7 -
Acertos......................................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Acerto da hora......................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Acerto da data......................................................................................................................... - 8 -
Corda de reserva ......................................................................................................................... - 9 -
Como encurtar a bracelete......................................................................................................... - 9 -
Garantia ..................................................................................................................................... - 10 -
Impermeabilidade à água......................................................................................................... - 10 -
- 1
1 1
1 -
Automatic wrist watch
Automatic wrist watchAutomatic wrist watch
Automatic wrist watch
Important information
Important informationImportant information
Important information
Your new automatic watch contains a complex mechanical movement which
provides several features without the use of electronics.
If the watch is worn daily, it is not necessary to manually wind it. Winding the watch
daily will however increase the time keeping accuracy. A few turns of the winder will
Please note that slight time keeping inaccuracies are to be expected and that this
does not mean that the watch is defective.
Temperature fluctuations can increase the time keeping inaccuracies.
Because of the sensitivity of the movement, it must be protected from shock and
magnetic fields.
We recommend that you have your watch checked by a watch expert once a year to
ensure its longevity.
Cleaning Cleaning
Cleaning instructions
Clean the product with a soft, dry and lint-free cloth. A glasses cleaning cloth is ideal.
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While wearing the watch, the normal motions of your arm will wind the movement. When
using the watch for the first time or after it has not been worn for a while, the watch must be
wound manually. Ensure that the winder is in the initial position (H) and turn the winder 10-15
turns in the clockwise direction. Now continue with the settings.
Display elements and controls
Display elements and controlsDisplay elements and controls
Display elements and controls
seconds display
power reserve
second time zone
first time zone
button for date
winder in setting position
date display
winder in initial position (winding)
- 3
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When using the buttons of your watch, push down slowly and with little force.
Wait for a short while after each push. Pushing a button repeatedly in rapid
succession can cause damage to the movement.
Use a pointed tool to push the recessed buttons.
Time setting
Time settingTime setting
Time setting
If the date display is showing the date "1" the time must not be set so far back that
the date hand would jump backwards as this could cause damage to the
Pull the winder into the setting position- the second hand will stop. Set the time by turning
the winder counter-clockwise- the hands of both time zones will move together. Now turn the
winder clockwise only
only only
only to set the first time zone- the minute hands of both time zones will turn
together, the hour hand of the second time zone will stand still. Press the winder back into the
initial position.
Date setting
Date settingDate setting
Date setting
Do not set the date between 8:00 pm and 5:00 am as this can cause damage to the
Set the date by repeatedly pressing button C. After the date hand reaches the date "31",
repeatedly press C to cause the hand to jump back to the date "1".
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Power reserve
Power reservePower reserve
Power reserve
The power reserve shows the winding status of the movement. When winding the watch, the
hand will move from right to left.
Strap shortening
Strap shorteningStrap shortening
Strap shortening
The strap can be shortened by removing links. Links that can be removed are marked with an
arrow. Place the watch on a soft surface to avoid scratches. Use a pointed tool to push the bar
out in the direction of the arrow. Pull the bar out using a tool if necessary. The strap can now
be disassembled.
Remove as many links as necessary and reassemble the strap. Insert the bars in the opposite
direction of the arrows.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Auriol 2-LD3201-2

Auriol 2-LD3201-2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch - 3 pagina's

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