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Page 1
Weather Station
Operating instructions
Issued: November 2007
Congratulations on choosing to buy an Ascot product. By doing so you
now have the assurance and peace of mind that comes with purchasing a
product made by one of Europe’s leading manufacturers. All products
brought to you by Ascot are manufactured to the highest standards of
performance and safety, and, as part of our philosophy of customer
service and satisfaction, are backed by our comprehensive 3 Year
Warranty. Please fill in and return the Warranty Card to the address
provided. We hope you will enjoy using your purchase for many years to
1 Scope of application ...................................................................1
2 Safety and maintenance .............................................................1
2.1 Safety information ..............................................................1
2.2 Repair .................................................................................1
2.3 Conditions for operating environment ................................1
2.4 Ambient temperature ..........................................................1
2.5 Electro-magnetic compatibility...........................................1
2.6 Battery operation ................................................................1
2.7 Disposal..............................................................................1
2.7.1 Disposal of batteries ......................................................1
2.7.2 Disposing of the Weather Station..................................1
2.7.3 Disposing of the packaging ..................................................1
2.8 Maintenance .......................................................................1
2.9 Cleaning and care ...............................................................1
2.10 Storage................................................................................1
2.11 Information concerning these operating instructions ..........1
2.12 Contents..............................................................................2
3 Display and function keys..........................................................2
3.1 Base station.........................................................................2
3.2 External sensor ...................................................................2
4 Putting the device into operation ..............................................2
5 Modes / Function keys................................................................3
5.1 Time, date and time zone....................................................3
5.1.1 Radio clock time............................................................3
5.1.2 Manual Setting ..............................................................3
5.2 Phase of the moon...............................................................3
5.3 Rising and setting times of the sun and moon.....................3
5.4 Alarm..................................................................................4
5.4.1 Setting the alarm............................................................4
5.4.2 Switching the alarm on/off ............................................4
5.4.3 Snooze function.............................................................4
5.4.4 Turning off the alarm.....................................................4
5.5 Temperature and humidity..................................................4
5.5.1 Temperature and humidity display ................................4
5.5.2 Min/Max memory for temperature and humidity.......... 4
5.5.3 Deleting the min/max memory......................................4
5.5.4 Selecting °Celsius / °Fahrenheit.................................... 4
5.5.5 Trend display for internal and external temperature and
internal and external humidity ......................................................5
5.5.6 External sensor..............................................................5
5.5.7 Technical data, temperature and humidity..................... 5
5.6 Atmospheric pressure .........................................................5
5.6.1 Atmospheric pressure display ....................................... 5
5.6.2 Weather forecast............................................................5
5.6.3 Technical data for atmospheric pressure ....................... 5
5.7 Light ................................................................................... 6
6 Assembly.....................................................................................6
7 Change battery display and changing the batteries ................6
7.1 Base station ........................................................................ 6
7.1.1 Change battery display..................................................6
7.1.2 Changing the batteries................................................... 6
7.2 External sensor ................................................................... 6
7.2.1 Change battery display..................................................6
7.2.2 Changing the batteries................................................... 6
8 Declaration of conformity..........................................................6
9 Troubleshooting .........................................................................6
1 Scope of application
This weather station has been designed for use solely as a weather
station. Weather stations supply information about room climate, can be
used to forecast the local weather and to receive information about the
external temperature, external humidity, and can give information about
frost (car drivers, agriculturalists, etc.). The weather station can be used
in the customer’s domain within the specified tolerances. Do NOT use
the weather station for commercial or professional weather forecasts. It
is not permitted to use the weather station for purposes other than those
described in the operating instructions as this may result in damage and
injury. No liability will be accepted for claims arising from improper
use. You will find further instructions and explanations in the operating
2 Safety and maintenance
2.1 Safety information
Please read this section carefully and follow all the information given.
This will ensure reliable operation and ensure that the weather station
will serve you for a long time. Keep the packaging and operating
instructions in a safe place so that you can give these to the new owner if
you sell the weather station.
Never open the base station housing and the external sensor housing.
These do not have any parts to be maintained (the exception to this is
opening the battery compartments to insert or change the batteries. See
point 7 Change battery display and changing the batteries). Do not put
any objects on the base station or on the external sensor and do not exert
any pressure on the display. This could cause the display to break. To
avoid damage do not touch the display with sharp objects.
2.2 Repair
In the event of necessary repair or a technical problem, please contact
our service centre. You will find the address on the guarantee card.
2.3 Conditions for operating environment
The base station is not protected against splashes. Ensure that your base
station is not subject to wet conditions or constant high levels of
humidity and avoid conditions which are dusty, hot and long periods of
direct sunlight. In order to ensure optimum radio registration, place or
hang the base station in a stable position, but not on a metallic surface.
The external sensor is protected against splashes. To use the device
outdoors, please choose a location in which the external sensor is not
exposed to rain or direct sunlight. Ignoring this information may result in
faults or damage to the weather station or the external sensor.
2.4 Ambient temperature
The base station can be operated constantly in an ambient temperature
from 0° to 50°C. It should only be exposed to temperatures from -10° to
0°C for short periods. If the base station is not being used, it can be
stored at temperatures of between -10° to 50°C. The external sensor can
be operated constantly in an ambient temperature from -10° to 50°C. It
should only be exposed to temperatures of -25° to -10°C and 50°C to
60°C for short periods of time. If the external sensor is not being used, it
can be stored at temperatures of between -10° to 50°C.
2.5 Electro-magnetic compatibility
If possible, do not place the base station or the external sensor near to
computers, printers, television sets, mobile telephones or radios as
devices with strong EMC rays and other radio stations can interrupt or
prevent radio reception.
2.6 Battery operation
The base station is operated by two 1.5v AA batteries and the external
sensor is operated by two 1.5v AAA batteries. Below you will find
information about using batteries.
Always replace batteries with batteries of the same type. Batteries must
not be recharged or reactivated by other means. Do not dismantle
batteries, throw them in the fire or shortcircuit them. Always keep
batteries out of the reach of children. Batteries can be harmful if
swallowed. Therefore keep batteries and the weather station out of the
reach of infants. If a battery is swallowed, seek medical help
Batteries cannot withstand heat. Avoid allowing the base station or the
external sensor and therefore the batteries from becoming too hot.
Ignoring this information may result in damage and in some
circumstances may cause the batteries to explode. Temperatures of
below 0°C can have a negative effect on the life of batteries. You will
find information on changing batteries under point 7, Change battery
display and changing batteries.
Tip: Please position the external sensor in such a way that it is not
exposed to extremes of heat or cold. In extremely cold conditions, the
batteries and therefore the transmission signal will be adversely affected.
2.7 Disposal
2.7.1 Disposal of batteries
Batteries should not be disposed of with household waste. Batteries can
be disposed of correctly by shops selling batteries and at municipal
recycling points where there are appropriate containers.
2.7.2 Disposing of the Weather Station
When you wish to dispose of your Weather Station, please refer to
current conditions. Your local authority will give you their current
Importer: 11/2007
Warenhandels GmbH
Maria-Theresia-Straße 41
A-4600 Wels
2.7.3 Disposing of the packaging
Dispose of the Weather Station packaging according to current
conditions. Your local authority will give you their current information.
2.8 Maintenance
Note: There are no parts inside the Weather Station housing which need
maintenance or cleaning.
2.9 Cleaning and care
Clean the base station and the external sensor using a soft, damp, lint-
free cloth only. Do not use solvents, abrasive or gaseous cleaning agents.
Take care that drops of water do not remain on the display. Water can
cause long-term discoloration. Do not expose the base station display or
the external sensor display to glaring sunlight or ultra-violet rays.
2.10 Storage
Remove the batteries if you are not going to use the Weather Station for
a while. To store the Weather Station, please note the information in
point 2.3, Operating environment conditions and point 2.4, Ambient
temperature. The base station and the external sensor should be stored
safely. Avoid high temperatures (e.g. direct sunlight) and permanently
damp environments.
2.11 Information concerning these operating
We have structured these operating instructions for the Weather Station
so that you can find the relevant information by topic using the table of
As additional help for your Weather Station, use the FAQs (frequently
asked questions) which can be called up on our product service page on
the Internet. http://www.produktservice.info EAN Code: 25041101
You can also contact us at the following address if you have any other
Service address: Freepost RLTU-ZYZE-SKLG
212 Piccadilly
London W1J9HG
E-mail address: service@produktservice.info

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