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T51 rear panel
Voltage indicator
Socket for IEC power inlet line
Audio output phono sockets, two pairs
Positioning the unit
Always place the tuner on a level, rm surface.
Setting up the aerials
FM aerial
An FM aerial is required to receive VHF radio signals. An
external FM ribbon aerial is supplied as an accessory.
For optimal FM radio reception a roof or loft mounted aerial is
advised. For your own safety it is recommended that a roof top
aerial is tted by an experienced contractor. Your Arcam dealer
should be able to put you in contact with an aerial installer. A
contractor will be able to tune your aerial to the nearest FM
transmitter. In an apartment building an aerial system my already
be installed. If this is the case you should have sockets in your
home marked FM or VHF (do not use those marked TV).
The T shaped wire aerial (dipole design) supplied should give
reasonably good reception. Mount this aerial as high up as
possible on a wall with the elements positioned horizontally.
Try each usable wall of the room to see which gives best
reception. Use tacks or adhesive tape to secure the aerial in
a T shape. The tacks should not come into contact with the
internal wire of the aerial.
Whether you decide to get an aerial professionally installed or
opt to use the supplied aerial it should be connected to the FM
Antenna input
on the rear of the unit.
AM aerial
An AM aerial is required to receive AM/Medium Wave radio
An external AM loop aerial is supplied as an accessory. This
should be attached to the AM Antenna inputs with one end
connected to AM
and the other to Ground
. It does not
matter which way round this aerial is tted. Rotate the aerial to
discover which position gives the best reception.
In areas of weak reception or when the receiver is used inside
a steel framed building (such as an apartment building) you
can use a wire between 3 and 5 metres long to strengthen
reception. Mount this high up outside the building, if possible,
and connect one end of this wire to the AM antenna input
as well as the loop aerial supplied. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE
230 V
Connecting to other equipment
Interconnect cables
Interconnecting cables are not supplied with this tuner. We
recommend high quality cables as inferior quality cables will
degrade the sound quality of your system. Please contact your
Arcam dealer for details of suitable cables.
Connecting your tuner to your amplifi er
Audio outputs
Two pairs of identical outputs are provided.
Connect one set to your ampli ers tuner input or any other
line-level input using suitable high quality interconnect cables.
Ensure that the left and right audio outputs from the tuner are
connected to the same left and right inputs on your ampli er.
The second set of audio outputs can be used to connect to a
second ampli er set up for multi room use, or routed to a tape
recorder for off air recording.
Connecting to a power supply
Wrong plug?
Check that the plug supplied with the unit ts your supply and
that your mains supply voltage agrees with the voltage setting
(115V or 230V) indicated on the rear panel of the unit
If your mains supply voltage or mains plug is different,
consult your Arcam dealer or Arcam Customer Support on
+44 (0)1223 203203.
Mains lead
The appliance is normally supplied with a moulded mains plug
already tted to the lead. If for any reason the plug needs to
be removed, it must be disposed of immediately and securely,
as it is a potential shock hazard when inserted into the mains
socket. Should you require a new mains lead, contact your
Arcam dealer.
Plugging in
Push the plug (IEC line socket) of the power cable supplied with
the unit into the POWER INLET socket
in the back of the unit.
Make sure it is pushed in rmly.
Put the plug on the other end of the cable into your power
supply socket and switch the socket on.
FM coaxial plug
Ground socket (for AM loop aerial)
AM socket (for AM loop aerial)

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