Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Using this handbook
Safety guidelines 2
Safety instructions 2
Safety compliance 2
Using this handbook 3
Safety 3
Information on radio transmissions 3
Installation 4
Positioning the unit 4
Setting up the aerials 4
FM aerial 4
AM aerial 4
Connecting to other equipment 4
Connecting to a power supply 4
Using your tuner 5
Front panel controls 5
To store a radio station 5
To select a stored radio station 5
Using the remote control 6
CR-389 remote control 6
Technical speci cations 7
Guarantee 8
On line registration 8
This handbook has been designed to give you all the
information you need to install, connect, set up and use the
Arcam T51 tuner. The CR-389 remote control handset supplied
with this equipment is also described.
Safety guidelines are set out on the inside front cover of this
Many of these items are common sense precautions, but for
your own safety, and to ensure that you do not damage the unit,
we strongly recommend that you read them.
Radio interference
The T51 tuner is an audio device containing microprocessors
and other digital electronics. It has been designed to very high
standards of electromagnetic compatibility.
EC countries
This product has been designed to comply with directive
This product complies with FCC requirements. If the equipment
causes interference to radio/television reception, which can
be determined by switching the equipment off and on, the
following measures should be taken: Re-orientate the receiving
antenna or route the antenna cable of the receiver as far
as possible from this appliance and its cabling. Relocate
the receiver with respect to this appliance. Connect the
receiver and this appliance to different mains power outlets.
If the problem persists contact your Arcam dealer or Arcam
Customer Support on +44 (0)1223 203203.
Information on radio transmissions
The British Broadcasting Corporation publishes a booklet
entitled Radio Transmitting Stations which contains details of
all BBC transmitters in the UK together with other useful hints
and tips. This booklet can be obtained on request by sending a
large stamped addressed envelope to:
Engineers Dept.
BBC Radio
201 Wood Lane
W12 7TS
Telephone: 08700 100 123
Internet: http://www.bbc.co.uk/enginfo/fm_recep
The UK Radio Authority publishes The Radio Authority Pocket
Book which contains details of all independent radio stations.
This booklet can be obtained on request by sending a large
stamped addressed envelope to:
Holbrook House
14 Great Queen Street
Telephone: 0207 430 2724
Fax: 0207 405 7062
E-mail: info@radioauthority.org.uk
Internet: http://www.radioauthority.org.uk
A free booklet (number 004-000-00345-4) is available from the
U.S. Government called How to Identify and Resolve Radio-TV
Interference Problems by writing to:
The U.S. Government Printing Of ce
Washington, D.C. 20402
United States of America.

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