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is designed to aid in the monitoring of your child.
When using the monitor, you must still provide the
supervision necessary for the continued safety
of your child. Monitoring of premature babies,
or those considered to be at risk, should always
be carried out under the supervision of a health
professional. This monitor SHOULD NOT be used
as a medical device, nor as a device to prevent
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
2. WARNING Strangulation Hazard — Children
have STRANGLED in cords. Keep adapter cords
out of the reach of
children (more than 1
meter away). NEVER use
Sensor Pad(s) without
the protective cord
covering. Check
protective cord covering
before each use.
Immediately discontinue
use of Sensor Pad(s) if
protective covering is
damaged or broken.
3. Never use extension cords with adapters. ONLY
use the adapters provided.
4. When an adapter is plugged into an electrical
outlet, DO NOT touch the exposed end.
5. ALWAYS be sure that both the transmitter and
receiver are working properly and are within range
of each other. Test the monitor before first use,
periodically and when changing location of the
6. ALWAYS be sure to immediately check on baby
whenever an alarm sounds.
7. DO NOT use monitor near water (such as bath
tub, sink, etc.).
8. Keep monitor AWAY from heat sources (such
as stoves, radiators, etc.).
9. ALWAYS place both the Camera and the Parent
Unit on a flat surface in an upright position and
allow for proper ventilation. DO NOT place on
sofas, cushions, beds, etc. which may block
10. This monitor uses public airwaves to transmit
signals. The Parent Unit may pick up signals or
interference from other nursery monitors in your
area. Your monitor may even be picked up by
other households. To protect your privacy, make
sure both units are turned OFF when not in use. If
you experience interference, change the channel
on both units.
11. This product is NOT a toy. DO NOT allow
children to play with it.
12. This product contains small parts. Adult
assembly required. Exercise care when unpacking
and assembling the product and keep small parts
away from children.
13. When using the monitor, the room temperature
should be between 10°C and 40°C.
14. The Parent Unit battery is a replaceable Li-Ion
battery. Only use the Angelcare recommended
replacement battery. Danger of explosion if the
wrong battery is used or if replaced incorrectly.
Refer to your user manual for correct battery
installation. DO NOT short circuit supply terminals.
Only use the Angelcare provided power adapter
to charge the battery. Remove the battery from
your parent unit if product is to be stored for an
extended period of time. Dispose of batteries
according to your local ordinances. ALWAYS keep
all batteries away from children.
15.1 Heed all warnings – All warnings on the
product and in the operating instructions should
be adhered to.
15.2 Follow all instructions – All operating and
use instructions should be followed.
15.3 Water and moisture - DO NOT use this
apparatus near water. For example, near a bath
tub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, laundry tub, in a wet
environment or near a swimming pool and the
like. Care should be taken so that objects DO NOT
fall onto units and that liquids are not spilled into
either unit or Sensor Pad through its openings.
15.4 Cleaning - Disconnect all units before
cleaning. DO NOT immerse in water any part of
the monitor. Clean only with dry cloth.
15.5 Ventilation - DO NOT block any ventilation
openings. Allow for proper ventilation when units
are in use. DO NOT cover the Camera or the Parent
Unit with any object such as a blanket. DO NOT
place it in a drawer or in any location which would
mue the sound or interfere with the normal flow
of air.
15.6 Heat sources - DO NOT install near any heat
sources such as radiators, heat registers, stoves,
TVs or other apparatus (including amplifiers)
that produce heat. Heat can damage the case or
electrical parts.
15.7 Power cord protection - Protect the Sensor
Pad cord and Adapter’s power cord from being
walked on or pinched by furniture or other items –
Power supply cords should be routed so that they
are not likely to be walked on or pinched by items
upon or against them, paying particular attention
to cords and plugs, convenience receptacle, and
the point where they exit from the product.
The socket outlet shall be installed near the
equipment and shall be easily accessible. Make
sure to plug the adapter to the socket outlet
nearest to the equipment and that is easily
accessible. To disconnect from mains, unplug
the adapter.

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