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The Parent and Nursery Units are too far apart and
the ‘Out of Range’ indicator is OFF.
One or both units are placed near a large metal
construction which obstructs the transmission.
One or both units are not in the upright position.
The batteries are low.
There is no connection between the Parent and
Nursery Units.
There is other external ‘transmission’ on the selected
The Parent Unit is located near motorized devices,
fluorescent lights, televisions, etc.
The Parent Unit and the Nursery Unit are too close
There is not enough air circulation under the
Reduce the distance between the two units until
communication is established. Ensure both units are
ON. Turn the Out of Range function ON to avoid this
in the future (see Part 3, Other Functions).
Reduce the distance between the two units until
communication is established. Ensure both units are
ON. Turn the Out of Range function ON to avoid this
in the future (see Part 3, Other Functions).
Place both units on a flat surface. Never place either
unit within 1m (3ft) of the cot. Keep well away from
baby’s reach.
Check/replace the batteries or recharge the Parent
Unit (see Part 3, Other Functions). Check if all AC
adapters are working correctly and if the mains
socket is turned ON.
Re-establish connection between the two units, see
Part 2, Step 4.
Select a different channel as described in Part 2,
Step 5. Your Angelcare Monitor has 8 channels.
If you have two Angelcare Monitors, ALWAYS ensure
that the channels on both monitors are as far apart
as possible, e.g. channel 1 for one monitor and
channel 8 for the other monitor. Also keep at least 1
metre distance between both Parent Units and both
Nursery Units. Keep the Parent Unit away from any
devices that can be a source of interference
Keep the Parent and Nursery Units at least 3
metres/10 feet apart. Decrease the volume level on
the Parent Unit using the ARROWS UP and DOWN.
If you have placed a large piece of plywood under
the SensorPad as instructed, please drill holes in the
plywood to allow air circulation. The SensorPad is
a passive device and does not radiate any form of
energy or heat.
There is very weak
There is interference
or noise coming from
the Parent Unit (e.g.
interference from other
monitors, wireless
phones and networks,
walkie-talkies, etc)
There is ‘feedback’
coming from the Parent
Unit (loud howling noise)
The mattress has
become mouldy
Wireless Interference
Wireless devices (including monitors,
speakers, WIFI internet systems and mobile
phones) can be prone to Radio Frequency
Interference emanating from other devices.
There are many wireless products available
on the market and new products are
introduced regularly. In addition there are
radio frequency emissions from various
electronic devices (like microwaves). Most
of these wireless products are transmitting
within a range of the 2.4 GHz frequency,
which may increase the potential occurrence
of Radio Frequency Interference.
Although wireless devices (including
Angelcare Baby Monitors) are designed,
manufactured and tested to comply with
applicable regulations governing radio
frequency emissions, wireless transmitters
and electrical circuits, they may be still be
subject to interference.
If wireless devices are held in close proximity
to mobile phones, but more specifically GSM
phones which operate with higher signal
strength for long range communications,
this may affect the operation of short range
devices such as baby monitors.
It is recommended to keep these devices
(e.g. mobile smart phones) away from
(and certainly not in contact with) wireless
products such as baby monitors, loud
speakers and other audio equipment.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Angelcare AC401de luxe

Angelcare AC401de luxe Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 7 pagina's

Angelcare AC401de luxe Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, Français, Português, Espanõl, Polski, Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 87 pagina's

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