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Play Games & Apps
In This Section
Buy and Download Games & Apps
on page 84
Manage Your GameCircle Profile on page 85
Remove an App on page 84
Buy and Download Games & Apps
You can search for and purchase games and apps in the Amazon Appstore.
To successfully purchase games and apps from the Amazon Appstore, you'll need to set up your 1-Click
payment method. Your 1-Click payment method must be a credit or debit card issued by a bank with a
valid billing address.
Note: U.S. customers are not required to have a credit or debit card or Amazon.com Gift Card when purchasing free
games or apps.
1. From the left panel on the Home screen, tap Apps. Or, tap the Appstore icon from the carousel or app
2. Locate the game or app you want to buy:
Tap the magnifying glass and type your search terms, and then tap the magnifying glass to search.
To narrow your search, access the left panel, and then tap Recommended for You, Best Sellers,
or New Releases.
3. Tap the button displaying the price (if it's a paid game or app) or tap FREE (if it's a free game or app),
and then tap Get App. If you're purchasing a paid game or app, you can complete your purchase using
Amazon Coins or your 1-Click payment method. After you buy a game or app, it automatically
downloads and installs to your phone.
4. Tap Open to view your game or app. If a License Agreement appears, carefully read the agreement,
and then accept the terms and conditions.
Tip: Double tap the Home button to quickly switch between applications via Quick Switch.
After you purchase a game or app, in most cases it will automatically update when the developer releases
a new software version for the game or app. If the game or app requires new permissions, you will be
asked to visit the Amazon Appstore on your phone to manually update the game or app. To manually
update a game or app, access the left panel in the Amazon Appstore, and then tap App Updates. Tap
Update next to the app you want to update, or tap Update All to download the latest version for all apps in
your account.
Remove an App
You can remove purchased games and apps from your Fire phone to free up space and manage the
Home screen of your device. The games and apps you purchased from the Amazon Appstore are
automatically stored in the Cloud and can easily be downloaded again to your device.
To remove any app from the carousel, press and hold the app, and then tap Remove from Carousel.
The app will be removed from your carousel, but it will still appear in the app grid.
To remove a purchased app from the app grid, press and hold the app, and then tap Remove from
Note: To re-download an app, tap Cloud at the top of the screen and then tap the app to download it to your
device. When the download is complete, a checkmark will appear. Tap Device at the top of the screen to return to
your Home screen and access the app.
Play Games & Apps

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amazon Fire Phone

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 117 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 117 pagina's

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