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Buy & Download Kindle Content
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Access Your Kindle Library on page 82
Buy & Download Kindle Content
You can buy content from the Kindle Store and download them directly to your Fire phone. Content refers
to digital books, magazines, newspapers, or other digital reading materials.
1. To visit the Kindle Store, tap the Books icon, Newsstand icon, or Audiobooks icon from the carousel
or app grid, and then tap the Store icon.
2. When you are ready to purchase a title:
Tap the Buy for… button to purchase a title or a single periodical issue.
Tap the Subscribe now button to subscribe to a newspaper or magazine.
Tip: Tap Download a Sample to download the beginning of a book for free. At the end of the sample, tap Buy
for... to purchase the book or a single periodical issue. When you purchase a book from a sample, the book will
open to the last page you were on. Unlike complete Kindle books purchased from the Kindle Store, samples are not
stored in the Amazon Cloud and will not sync across Kindle devices or Kindle reading applications.
After you purchase Kindle content, it automatically downloads to your phone. The content is also stored in
your Kindle Library so you can download it to other Kindle devices or Kindle reading apps registered to the
same account.
Some newspapers are available as interactive apps. You'll see these apps in the Newsstand store, which
will direct you to the Amazon Appstore for full details and purchase information.
Access Your Kindle Library
From the left panel on the Home screen, tap Books, Newsstand, or Audiobooks, or tap the icon from
the app grid or carousel to view specific content in your Kindle Library.
2. Tap a title to download it to your phone.
Note: Content already downloaded to your phone will have a checkmark on it. You can find your newspaper apps
in your Newsstand content library, among other subscriptions.
3. Access the right panel to view recommendations based on your recently purchased content.
Access the left panel to view the category menu.
View your Books or Collections.
Shop for new content by tapping one of the options under Shop, such as Storefront, Monthly
deals, Kindle Singles, Kindle Serials, Kindle Worlds, Immersion Reading, and the Kindle
Lending Library.
Read Books Magazines & Newspapers

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amazon Fire Phone

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 117 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 117 pagina's

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