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Turn On Closed Captions
Show closed captions for movies and TV shows from Amazon Instant Video and web videos in the Silk
Browser (when available for the title). There are three ways to enable closed captioning on Fire phone.
From Accessibility Settings:
From Settings, tap Device, and then tap Manage Accessibility.
b. Under Hearing Settings, tap the switch to turn Closed Captioning On.
This will enable your phone to display closed captions when available.
From the Instant Video app:
a. Play the video you want to watch.
Videos that include closed captions appear with the closed caption symbol ("CC") on their overview
pages. Most videos that support closed captions include English text. Other languages may also be
b. After playback has started, tap the Menu > Captions > On.
In the captions menu, you can also customize the font size and color scheme for the caption text.
Your selections apply to all videos you play until you change them again.
c. Tap outside the closed captions menu to return to video playback with captions on.
d. To turn captions off, tap the Menu > Captions > Off.
You can also manage your Amazon Instant Video closed caption settings under Subtitle Preferences
at www.amazon.com/cc.
From the Silk Browser:
a. From the Silk Browser, access the left panel and tap Settings.
b. Tap Advanced, and then tap Closed Captions.
c. Select from the available customization options, such as text size, and then swipe up from the
bottom of the phone to return to the browser.
Some options may not be available.
Turn On Low Motion Mode
With Low Motion Mode enabled, features like peek, tilt, swivel, auto scroll, and dynamic perspective are
disabled on your Fire phone.
1. To turn on Low Motion Mode:
a. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Quick Actions panel, and then tap the Settings
b. Tap Device, and then tap Manage Accessibility.
c. Tap Low Motion.
You can toggle individual features on or off, or tap Off next to Low Motion Mode at the top of the
screen to turn all features off.
Guide to Reading Books with Screen Reader and Explore by
When the Screen Reader and Explore by Touch are turned on, you can use gestures and Text-to-Speech
to read and interact with your book. When you open a book, Text-to-Speech will automatically read your
book and turn the pages for you.
You can switch between two modes of reading: continuous and non-continuous. Continuous reading will
read all pages in the book, while non-continuous reading will read a page, character, or word on the page
—whichever you prefer.
Accessibility Features

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amazon Fire Phone

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 117 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 117 pagina's

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