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Use a Hearing Aid with Your Phone
Depending on the type of hearing aids you use, a hearing aid may enhance your experience with Fire
Your phone has a Hearing Aid Compatibility rating of T4/M4.*
Tip: To optimize your experience using a hearing aid with your phone, enable Hearing Aid Mode
and then simply
position the receiver near your hearing aid's built-in microphone(s).
If your hearing aid does not have a t-coil (“T”) mode, there are third-party neck loop devices available that
connect to your phone through the headphone jack or via Bluetooth.
To enable Hearing Aid Mode:
a. Swipe down from the top of the screen to open the Quick Actions panel, and then tap the Settings
b. Tap Device, and then tap Manage Accessibility.
c. Under Hearing Settings, tap On next to Hearing Aid Mode.
*This phone has been tested and rated for use with hearing aids for some of the wireless technologies that
it uses. However, there may be some newer wireless technologies used in this phone that have not been
tested yet for use with hearing aids. It is important to try the different features of this phone thoroughly and
in different locations, using your hearing aid or cochlear implant, to determine if you hear any interfering
noise. Consult your service provider or Amazon for information on hearing aid compatibility. If you have
questions about return or exchange policies, consult Amazon Customer Support at www.amazon.com/
Use a Teletypewriter (TTY)
Connect a Teletypewriter (TTY) device to your Fire phone.
Note: To use a Teletypewriter, you may need a third-party TTY adapter (sold separately) to connect your phone to a
TTY device. You will also need to enable TTY Mode on your phone.
TTY Mode offers three different options:
Full – allows TTY users to read incoming messages and respond to them using the TTY
HCO (Hearing Carry Over) – allows users to hear the other person through the phone and respond to
them using the TTY
VCO (Voice Carry Over) – allows TTY users to speak through the phone and read responses on their
To enable TTY Mode:
a. Swipe down from the top of the screen to access Quick Actions, and then tap the Settings icon.
b. Tap Device, and then tap Manage Accessibility.
c. Under Hearing Settings, tap TTY Mode, and then select your preferred mode.
d. Connect your phone to a TTY device.
Accessibility Features

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Andere handleiding(en) van Amazon Fire Phone

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 25 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 117 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - English - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Snelstart handleiding - Espanõl - 1 pagina's

Amazon Fire Phone Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 117 pagina's

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