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Symptom Possible Problem Solution
No Power LED is lit
(AC Operation).
The power supply isnt connected to a wall
outlet and/or the power supply connector
is not plugged into the power supply jack
on the back of the T612 system.
Insert the barrel connector from the power supply into the DC connector
on the rear of the T612 system. After this connection is made, insert the
power supply into a wall outlet.
The surge protector (if used) isn’t powered
If the power supply is plugged into a surge protector, make sure the
surge protector is switched on.
The wall outlet is not functioning. Plug another device into the same wall outlet to conrm the outlet is
The power isn’t turned on. Turn on the T612 by pushing the power button located on the top of the
unit. A LED will light when the power is on.
No sound is coming
from speakers.
The volume is set too low. Press and hold the “+” button on the top of the T612 to increase the
Check the volume level on alternate audio source device and set at
The iPhone or iPod is not correctly seated
into the docking station.
Turn off the iPhone or iPod, remove it from the docking station, reseat it,
and turn it on again.
If using an alternate audio source, the
audio source is not properly connected to
the T612 or there is a problem with the
alternate audio source.
Try using another sound source, such as another CD or MP player. See
the “Connecting to alternate audio source” section for details.
There is a crackling
sound coming
from speakers.
The iPhone or iPod is not correctly seated
into the docking station.
Turn off the iPhone or iPod, remove it from the docking station, reseat it,
and turn it on again.
If using an alternate audio source, the
audio source is not properly connected to
the T612 or there is a problem with the
alternate audio source.
Try using another sound source, such as another CD or MP player. See
the “Connecting to alternate audio source” section for details.
There is a crackling
sound coming from
speakers (when
connected to PC
or laptop).
The operating systems volume level is set
too high.
Check the operating system volume level and decrease it if necessary.
The sound
is distorted.
The T612’s volume level is set too high. Press and hold the “–” button on the top of the T612 to decrease the
The EQ function on the iPhone, iPod or
alternate audio source is not disabled.
Disable the EQ function on the iPhone, iPod or alternate audio source.
See the device user’s guide for details.
The T612
exhibits erratic
or unexpected
behavior. Controls
do not function.
Static electricity, momentary interruption
of power, or abnormal operating conditions
may be responsible.
1. Disconnect the power supply from the wall outlet.
2. Reconnect the power supply.

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