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Big rich sound for iPhone without missing your calls!
Thank you for purchasing the Altec Lansing T612 digital speaker system
for iPhone. Made to complement the iPhone model’s command of
the digital world, the T612 extends your iPhone model’s high-end
audio capabilities with beautifully transparent music reproduction.
60 Watts of power RMS (120 Watts Peak) ll the room while keeping
you perfectly in touch – because with the T612 there’s no need to
use “Flight Mode” while you listen to music. Instead, keep the phone
turned on; when a call comes in the T612 gives priority to the call by
interrupting the music.
Made for:
iPhone iPod with color display
iPod touch iPod mini
iPod classic iPod with dock connector
iPod with video
iPod nano (rd generation)
iPod nano (2nd generation)
iPod nano (1st generation)
Box Contents
T612 digital speaker system for iPhone and iPod
Wireless remote control with battery
.5 mm stereo cable (for auxiliary input)
Power supply
Removable docking adapter for iPhone
User’s guide and quick connect instructions
Placing T612
Position T612 on a stable, level surface.
Power On/Off
Insert the barrel connector from the power supply into the DC
connector on the rear of the T612 system. After this connection is
made, insert the power supply into a wall outlet.
Turn on the T612 by pressing the power button located on the top
of the unit. An LED will light when the power is on.
Turn off the T612 by pressing the power button located on the top
of the unit. The LED will turn off.
Note: To avoid hearing a popping sound when you turn on the T612,
always turn on your iPhone (or alternate audio source) rst.
Connecting your iPhone
To connect your iPhone to the T612:
Place the docking adapter for iPhone inside the universal dock. While
the docking adapter is not required for proper functioning of your
iPhone and T612, it will provide a better t.
Seat your iPhone by sliding your iPhone on top of the T612 docking
Connecting your iPod
To connect your iPod to the T612:
Remove the docking adapter for iPhone from the T612 docking
Place the appropriate docking adapter for iPod inside the universal
dock. Docking adapters may come with your iPod, or may be
purchased separately from Apple (see Apple stores or
Make sure the EQ function on the iPod is disabled. This may happen
automatically with some iPod models. See the user’s guide for iPod
for details on how to disable the EQ settings.
Seat your iPod by sliding your iPod on top of the T612 docking
Connecting your alternate audio source
The T612 includes an auxiliary input jack that allows you to connect
to alternate audio sources, such as older iPod models, CD players, MP
players, portable DVD players, and laptops. To connect the T612 to an
alternate audio source, follow the steps below.
Locate the .5 mm stereo cable.
Turn off the alternate audio source.
Connect one end of the .5 mm stereo cable into the auxiliary input
jack (AUX) located on the back of the T612 system, and the other
end to the “line-out,” “audio-out,” or the headphone jack on your
alternate audio source.
Disable the alternate audio source EQ function, if available. See the
alternate audio source user’s guide for details.
Set the volume on the alternate audio source at mid-level.
Set the volume on the T612 at minimum level and adjust upward to
a comfortable listening level.
The “+” and “–” buttons on the top of the T612 are the master volume
controls. Press and hold the “+” button to increase the volume and the
“–” button to decrease the volume. An LED indicator is located on the
front of the unit.
T612 Digital Speaker System for iPhone

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